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VITTORIO SGARBI LOWS HEAD UNDER THE CRUCIFIX BY MICHELANGELO (and talks about Christianity and the works of Lorenzo Puglisi) by Francesco Pennetta

A crucifix, raised in the exact center of the Sacristy of the splendid Basilica of Santo Spirito, the work of a young Michelangelo, light, harmonious, which Vasari defined as admirable for its "fleshiness and softness". Opposite another cross, square, black, made by Lorenzo Puglisi, an artist among the few to have the courage to compare one of his works, absolutely contemporary, with that of the great genius protagonist of the Renaissance; an essential work, which, according to Sgarbi "by pictorial subtraction proves the dialogue with Michelangelo's Christ". And indeed the white flashes strike as if they were manifestations of the Spirit: hands, feet and a crown of thorns, flashes that emerge from the bottom, as if to reveal themselves from the darkness of the mystery, as if to indicate an essence of love that manifests itself. in the darkness of knowledge.
Vittorio Sgarbi stands up, positions himself under Michelangelo's crucifix, bows his head in a sense of respect. “No civilization has produced such beauty as the Christian one”, this is one of the first phrases he utters in a prologue full of references in favor of our identity culture and Christian art.
The crosses are moved, and the words of the great critic from Ferrara are moved, who takes the time to remember the example of Don Roberto, the angel of the needy, recently killed in Como, and who underlines how for a century now we have been witnessing excesses of an "a-Christian society", which privileges "physical health by putting aside spiritual health" in a "disturbing" materialistic delusion that relegates Christianity to a private fact.
The words of Lorenzo Puglisi, who affirmed: “my attempt at painting is aimed at the vision of something that is other than the empirical visible, but with which it is inseparably intertwined, are also in line. Crucifixion, humanity, mystery. It's all in these three words. "
The poet and playwright Davide Rondoni, who recited some verses specially composed to describe Puglisi's painting, made the atmosphere surreal and exciting:

screams and wings that open
preparation for your flight for us, huge party "

Davide also wanted to make a strong reminder to believers and to the Church: "Christian art is no longer there because Christians no longer believe they are the most important thing in history and therefore are content with questionable aesthetic representations".

This exhibition, splendidly organized by the splendid Francesca Sacchi Tommasi, a well-known and competent Tuscan gallerist, is certainly worth a trip to Florence.
The exhibition “Lorenzo Puglisi in front of Michelangelo – Crucifixion, humanity and mystery” will be open from today 20 September, every day until 1 November 2020. The venue is in the Basilica of Santo Spirito, in the magnificent Oltrarno district.

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The article VITTORIO SGARBI LOWS THE HEAD UNDER THE CRUCIFIX BY MICHELANGELO (and talks about Christianity and the works of Lorenzo Puglisi) by Francesco Pennetta comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/vittorio-sgarbi-china-il-capo-sotto-il-crocifisso-di-michelangelo-e-parla-del-cristianesimo-e-delle-opere-di-lorenzo-puglisi-di-francesco-pennetta/ on Sun, 20 Sep 2020 08:28:12 +0000.