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Economic Scenarios

We have lost a million jobs, and there is a freeze on layoffs. To follow the left and Hope we go towards the civil war

A million jobs lost in a year according to what was said by Istat, and we are still under lockdown of layoffs.

The picture is simple: in February 2021 there were 22,197,000 employees, or 945,000 fewer than in February of last year. “The repeated economic downturns in employment – recorded from the beginning of the health emergency until January 2021 – resulted in a drop in employment compared to February 2020 (-4.1% equal to -945 thousand units). The decrease involves men and women, employees (-590 thousand) and self-employed (-355 thousand) and all age groups ”. The employment rate fell by 2.2 percentage points in one year, reaching 56.5%.

A generalized disaster. closing tourist services, catering, personal services has led to the demolition of entire production sectors. We also have a growth in the inactive, + 5.4%, people who are not looking for work because they do not know where to get it. Mistrust is winning, in the midst of a public administration and law enforcement agencies interested only in the lockdown and not in overcoming it. Nicola Porro highlighted how, on Easter day there were more checks than vaccines, a completely senseless fact if the ministry of health and that of the interior really want to overcome the emergency and not use it for other purposes.

We have destroyed a million jobs, and there is still a freeze on layoffs. Not only that, we have destroyed billions of private investments, because the entrepreneurs who have closed have seen their capital reduced to zero. All while Switzerland has reopened almost everything in full freedom and sees a much lower incidence of deaths than ours. Now we can also understand that Minister Speranza has no knowledge of the basics of the economy, and probably no respect for other private property, but continuing on the path of the indeterminate lockdown, without a precise date to return to normal life, means blowing up the social substratum of the country and lead it to chaos. Anyone get it?

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The article We have lost a million jobs, and there is a freeze on layoffs. To follow the left and Hope goes towards the civil war comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/abbiamo-perso-un-milioni-di-posti-di-lavoro-e-ce-il-blocco-dei-licenziamenti-a-seguire-la-sinistra-e-speranza-si-va-verso-la-guerra-civile/ on Wed, 07 Apr 2021 09:00:28 +0000.