Economic Scenarios

What are the most sought after jobs in Europe in 2023?

Are you thinking of moving to Europe and wondering what kind of work you can find there? We have some information to share.

This graph shows the most in-demand jobs in the EU, drawn from a year of online job adverts.

The data for this graph comes from Eurostat , which examined hundreds of hiring websites in 2023.

Please note that the announcements do not automatically mean new jobs. Multiple advertisements for the same job may be counted. Meanwhile, employers do not always advertise their job offers and sometimes do so even when they have no vacancies.

Europe really needs IT support

Almost one in ten job advertisements in the Eurostat database were for an information and communication technologies (ICT) specialist. In pure numbers, this equates to approximately 871,000 ads in 2023.

Here, translated into Italian, is the complete list, with the number of advertisements and the percentage of the total. starting with Information and Communication Technologies (ITC or ICT).

1 ICT specialists 871K 9%

2 Software Developers 515K 5%

3 Engineers 412K 4%

4 Production Operators 385K 4%

5 Engineering Science Technicians 351K 4%

6 Store Vendors 312K 3%

7 Transportation Workers 308K 3%

8 Marketing Managers 280K 3%

9 Support Employees 262K 3%

10 Financial collaborators 246K 3%

11 Sales Professionals 219K 2%

12 Administrative Secretaries 216K 2%

N/A Others 1.8M 19%

What do ICT workers do? Almost everything related to IT. This ranges from user support and troubleshooting to installation and maintenance of network operations and devices.

Software developers are also sought after, with 515,000 ads posted in 2023.

For those without tech skills, fear not, there are many other sectors of the EU economy that need good people.

European companies need sales and marketing support (at different levels of experience: managers, professionals and agents).

Even people who love numbers can find a place in the workforce (payroll clerks, logistics support and accountants).

And for those who love working with their hands, workers are also in demand in the fields of production, transport and installation of electrical equipment.

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The article What are the most sought after jobs in Europe in 2023′? comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL on Mon, 03 Feb 2025 21:03:33 +0000.