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Economic Scenarios

WHAT FUTURE FOR FREEDOM? (by Giuseppe Palma)

Prime Minister Conte, well supported by the war machine of all the big media, in March used a very effective slogan: "we are distant today to embrace each other stronger tomorrow".

In reality it was a deception, considering that we are in October and the situation is still an emergency one.

The attempt at a global level, to which our government has adhered unconditionally, and which the masses are not currently willing to see, is to cancel the "democratic state" – as we have known it for the past two centuries – and replace it with tyrannical forms of government, far worse than the tyrannies of the past.

The measure of all this is given by how we have accepted, without batting an eye, to renounce all freedom. Above all, that of worship and the sacredness of the dead. The oldest freedom. Just look at how we allowed government authorities to treat our dead.

The government was indeed allowed, even applauding its decision, to anonymously burn our dead without even a funeral, (what am I saying!), Without even the last farewell.

Yet the martyrs have taught us over the centuries that life is sacrificed to save faith or freedom. Not anymore. All freedom was sacrificed to save life. But what life? The bare life of the sofa and songs on the balcony, supported by smart-working and the new religion: “social distancing”.

It is said that nothing will ever be the same again. It's true. To pay the consequences will be primarily freedom and democracy. We let ourselves be uprooted, even with our consent, what most precious our grandparents had given us.

The conception of freedom as an inviolable right, as also enshrined in our Constitution, will no longer be the same. It will undergo a scaling. During the beheadings of the martyrs of Otranto in 1480, none of the unfortunates denied the Christian faith. The headless bust of Antonio Primaldo, who was beheaded first, remained standing until the last execution. This is why Faith and Liberty won, because they kept "the point", "the position".

We, today, have abdicated without even fighting. No future for Freedom.

[ Giuseppe PALMA ]

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Literary Tips :

by Paolo Becchi and Giuseppe Palma, “ DEMOCRACY IN THE QUARANTINE. How a virus has swept the country ", Historica edizioni, April 2020.

Here the links for the purchase :





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The article WHAT FUTURE FOR FREEDOM? (by Giuseppe Palma) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quale-futuro-per-la-liberta-di-giuseppe-palma/ on Fri, 16 Oct 2020 15:09:18 +0000.