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Philippe Douste-Blazy is not just any person, but a well-known cardiologist, researcher, university teacher, mayor of Lourdes and politician. In addition to being a French and European national deputy, he was also minister of foreign affairs, social and family affairs, as well as of health. A centrist, he is certainly not a mad sovereignist or an extremist

But I invite you to listen to him, and to read what he says in this television interview, about the scientific truth of some famous magazines such as Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine.

During confidential meetings, in which the participants undertake not to disclose what is freely said (this is the Chatham House Rule), the editors of the medical journals have received such pressure from the pharmaceutical companies that they are not sure they can, in future, continue to publish data on scientific research results. Not a random person says it, but Horton, the Lancet director.

The enormous power of pharmaceutical companies threatens to undermine and obliterate freedom and academic truth. The speech arose from the publication of an article against hydroxychloroquine in The Lancet, which was subsequently revised. If the scientific truth of these journals can no longer be believed, then almost nothing remains of the traditional academic scientific method. We are on the way, even in science, to a painful transition towards currently unknown goals.

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The article WHEN MONEY BENDS AND DESTROYS THE SCIENTIFIC TRUTH. The case of medicine .. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quando-il-denaro-piega-e-distrugge-la-verita-scientifica-il-caso-della-medicina/ on Sat, 17 Oct 2020 18:17:47 +0000.