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When the virologist becomes “No Vax” for … a matter of dictionary

The definition of No-Vax, of "public enemy number one" of society, at least according to the mass media that taint the air, stretches and widens according to the political and economic needs of the moment.

Here is a practical case: if before one of the main English-American dictionaries, Merriam Webster , defined those who did not want to get vaccinated as "Anti VAxxer", today, with a stroke of the pen, all those who are in favor of freedom of choice.

Following the same criterion, a teetotaler who tolerates others drinking, that is, non-prohibitionist, would be an alcoholic. Isn't it logical?

With this broadening of the definition, even academics with renowned curricula become, from one moment to the next, unscientific no vax …

The aforementioned epidemiologist and statistician, James Doigde, a lecturer at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine becomes, overnight, a dangerous and unscientific No Vax. In the end, a stroke of the pen is enough, or rather a change in the dictionary. Perhaps a mediocre television doctor becomes, with the same stroke of the pen, a guru of medicine. All this because it is no longer a medical question, but a political one: power has found the goose of the golden eggs, the current consent to vaccination, and rides it in the most absurd and anti-liberal way possible. The aim is, of course, to hide past and future failures. For example: Has anyone seen the latest bills? Can anyone claim to be living better now than in 2019 or 2007 or 1996? No? So ask yourself a question and give yourself an answer …

If the problem were only one of therapy, it would be solved with a little good communication, done well. Instead it is not. Sorry, but without the fear of no-vax, what economic activity could the presenters of La 7 perform.

By the way: Would Mentana interview Professor James Doidge? No, because now, with a stroke of the pen, he has become a dangerous no-vax….

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The article When the virologist becomes “No Vax” for… a matter of dictionary comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/quando-il-virologo-diventa-no-vax-per-una-questione-di-dizionario/ on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 14:00:27 +0000.