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Economic Scenarios

WHO BETS THE EU BUDGET DOES IT IN ITS FULL LAW. Marco Zanni’s speech at the European Parliament

Marco Zanni's speech in the European Parliament is very clear and should go to Eurovision. when the treaties were written, the right of veto was placed precisely to guarantee the minority under certain conditions. If two countries, Hungary and Poland, decide to intervene and veto the European Budget and the Recovery Fund, they do so in their own right and they do so after having said, since July, that linking the Budget and the "rule of law "A" rule of law "was not acceptable to them, which, among other things, is smoky and seems to be nothing more than an instrument of political pressure from some political parties on others.

Institutions have knowingly moved forward and provoked the veto, and now they take it out on these states that exercise nothing but their rights. Now an "Intergovernmental Agreement" is being invoked which is not a way to get around two fools, but it is only the admission that European rules do not work and that they can then be disregarded, but only when someone powerful who cannot to say no. We add that the achievement of an "Intergovernmental Pact" will require new negotiations, new pacts, and it is not certain that they are like the previous ones.

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The article WHO BOLTS THE EU BUDGET DOES IT IN ITS FULL LAW. Marco Zanni's speech in the European Parliament comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/chi-pone-il-veto-per-lo-stato-di-diritto-lo-fa-nel-suo-pieno-diritto-intervento-di-marco-zanni-al-parlamento-europeo/ on Sat, 28 Nov 2020 20:31:57 +0000.