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Why does Brothers of Italy prevent political change in Europe? An incomprehensible stalemate

After the first meeting between Salvini, Orban and Morawecki in Budapest, on April 2, it seemed that the path for the formation of a new group that, in some way, would summarize within itself the whole European sovereign right, gathering ID (Lega, RN , AfD, etc), ECR (PiS, FdI, Vox, and Dutch conservatives) and Fidesz should be at the door. The move would have strongly changed the balance in the European parliament, creating the second group in the classroom and constituting a pole of attraction towards that part of the EPP that does not feel convinced by the radical ecological policy set by Von Der Leyen and Timmermans. It seemed all done, but, after a month, there have been no significant changes, and someone begins to wonder why.

Apparently no one is against it, but after two months nothing has been done. My sources inside ECR are reporting some impatience and are starting to wonder who is opposing. Certainly not the Hungarians of Fidesz, who are now out of any group, even with considerable economic damage, but they cannot directly enter the ECR because they would only create an Eastern-European formation and, above all, would be directly subjected to the Poles of PiS. Certainly not the League which, with the new formation, could reaffirm its position of "Struggle and Government", because in the new formation there would be three forces in government in three different European countries. Not the Poles who need to get out of an increasingly dangerous isolation. Not the French, who with a larger European force can aim for greater legitimacy in view of the next presidential elections. So who is pulling the handbrake? The answer is simple: Brothers of Italy.

The leader of FdI is also president of the ECR Foundation, Giorgia Meloni, she is afraid of losing the only Italian extra-national position she holds, and therefore tries to sabotage the operation in every way, but not doing a good service to either. their European formation, nor to their party. In Europe, being divided does not pay, both in terms of the management of the Commissions and politically: you cannot influence the erratic EPP by showing yourself divided and bungling. Furthermore, his position puts a further burden on the prospects for unity of the Italian center-right. If you want to think you are in government in the next legislature, you cannot play in spite and against spite.

It is to be hoped that someone in FdI will make a speech a little wider than the small shop games, otherwise the risk is that of a splitting that leads nowhere.

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The article Why does Brothers of Italy prevent political change in Europe? An incomprehensible stalemate comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/perche-fratelli-ditalia-impedisce-di-cambiare-la-politica-in-europa-uno-stallo-non-comprensibile/ on Sun, 02 May 2021 12:58:04 +0000.