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Death at work: exasperated by the worker, the car kills him

MONTEGRANARO (FM) – The tragedy took place in the Marche region, at the heart of the footwear production sector. The owners of the company, the only Marzega factory, said they were shocked: "We can't explain how this could have happened, it was a very polite machine, always greeting colleagues from other departments." We always respect what violence is to be stigmatized, even though it is possible that the machine felt exasperated by the worker treating it . The property therefore expresses closeness to the victim’s family, arguing, however, that the worker’s complaints may have influenced the incident.

A very delicate situation, in a period where there are always deaths in the workplace while few talk about how and to what extent the machines suffer from continuous stress on the part of the workers themselves . Employees who repeatedly use a machine at least 8 hours a day, without stopping, sometimes without taking a break. In addition to this daily abuse by workers, there also seems to be a lot of neglect towards these machines. In the case of the Marzega company, for example, presses and compressors are left alone to cut tons of skin without ever receiving maintenance or compliance.

Regarding the alleged victim, the worker who died at the age of 45, some questions were asked: " Someone suspected that she was a worker – says the CEO of the company – who pretended to be a male only to get a shitty, tired and underpaid job. which would otherwise have been prohibited to them because of their gender identity ” . If this hypothesis were confirmed, we could perhaps be faced with another femicide carried out by a foreign machine (the picture is of German manufacture).

An anonymous message arrived this morning in the newsroom casting new shadows on the already intricate story. Speaking is the alleged wife of the worker who lashes out at the society denouncing the poor security conditions and complaining about having stolen her husband who was a simple violent husband like many others. In short, the plot grows bigger as the hours go by. A file has been opened and now everything is in the hands of investigators who should shed light on this bad story. In the coming days the prosecutor of Fermo will call Barbara Palombelli for a first technical consultation .

Mattia F.Pappalardo & Sergio Marinelli

Article People at work: esasperatu from FreeCol, machine the tomb is Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/morti-sul-lavoro-esasperata-dalloperaio-macchina-lo-uccide/ on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 09:18:58 +0000.

The article Death at work: exasperated by the worker, the grave machine comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/morti-a-u-travagliu-exasperatu-da-u-travagliadore-a-macchina-u-tomba/ on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 03:20:00 +0000.