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Figliuolu presents the premium yellow zone: “Accessible only for incomes over 500,000 euros”

Go there (NO) – Every morning General Figliuolo wakes up, washes his face and makes the bed, while he reads in the manual “Things to do as soon as you wake up” written by himself. Then, taking advantage of the privileges of the army’s tall poppy, he chooses which white feather to put his hat on among that of the best hens Pordenone survived the great battle of the Tagliamento.
Once this is done, Son polishes the ribbons he will put on the uniform. All 129. He looks at them with admiration, passion, amazement. Everything is so beautiful and colorful!

It was while admiring the bright colors of the ribbons that the General, some time ago, got the idea: the colors of the regions are too few. Red, orange, yellow and white are not enough. “We need something more,” he thought holding the ribbons with his left hand and moving up and down with his right in a polishing, repetitive gesture that seemed to please him more than when it was permissible to plant.

“Sandrone” said the general calling his assistant “Please listen to Prime Minister Draghi and say we should talk right away, I had a brilliant idea!” Shortly afterwards, the good Sandrone, clicking his heels, began a call to Zoom with the Prime Minister.

"Hi Mario, I got an idea!"
"Tell me, Francis!"
"I think… why don't we increase the colors of the regions?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not saying, three colors are few…"
"But there's also white!"
"Even four colors are few. Looking at my ribbons, do you think it would still look good if I only had four colors? “

Mario Draghi stopped to think. In fact with only 4 colors, Son would not have made the same beautiful figure.

"We can add two colors, the important thing is that we don't get to the rainbow… our allies on the right, Lega and Italia Viva, wouldn't appreciate them!" At that moment, General Figliuolo raised his voice. "Then we don't understand." Here you need at least 12 colors! Did you hear Mario, when you were a banker, print banknotes in only 2 colors? “

Mario Draghi reflected for the second time that morning. The general was not entirely wrong, but changing the colors of the regions and giving more freedom of movement would have been expensive: printing, communication, the new DPCM… too expensive! And who would explain the new colors to the Italians? When at this point you get an idea.

"Son General, how did you get those ribbons?"
"In the field!"
"Tell me the truth Francis, here we are with friends…"
“Well, I'll buy them! They are unique collectible items. I reset it by hand… I found a couple just the other day in the Easter egg. “
“And you thought you didn’t know? But let me get to the point. Make sure Italians can do as you do and buy the color in which they are. We say that in exchange for a small sum, whoever wants can temporarily get out of the color of his region and pay attention to himself… “

The General looked at the President and tried to open his mouth, but no sound came out of that hole. Discriminate on the basis of wealth. What an idea!

"Let me finish. It has no intention of changing the colors of the regions. What we can do is come up with a premium yellow area. But an area that is more of a state of mind, or soul if you prefer. Accessible to all after payment of… “
“Payment? Are you telling me that only the richest can access the premium yellow zone? “
"Not the richest, but only those with an income of more than € 500,000 a year."

The free version of Zoom indicated that the video call was only a few minutes away. Francis made one last request to Mario.
"Are you sure you want to implement this reform?"
"It simply came to our notice then. And rich Italians will be grateful. We do it for them. Everything you need ”

Andrea H. Sesta

The article Figliuolu presents the premium yellow zone: "Accessible only for incomes over 500,000 euros" comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/figliuolo-presenta-la-zona-gialla-premium-accessibile-solo-per-i-redditi -sopra-i-500-000-euro / u Fri, 09 Apr 2021 08:41:31 +0000.

The article Figliuolu presents the premium yellow zone: "Accessible only for incomes over 500,000 euros" comes from Ultimi Nutizie .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/figliuolu-presenta-a-zona-gialla-premium-accessible-uniquement-pour-les-revenus-superieurs-a-500-000-euros/ on Sun, 11 Apr 2021 05:37:00 +0000.