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Find out how Renzi sleeps at night

Rignano sull'Arno (FI) – For months, a group of researchers from the University of Florence have been trying to understand the workings of the mechanisms that regulate the sleep of the head of ItaliaViva Matteo Renzi . "It may seem incredible, but even the former prime minister ends the evening like all of us in Morpheus' arms," said Marie Ciarifatto , head of the team that led the research. "What remains more difficult for us to understand." that’s how it’s done. Morpheus himself, holding it in his hands, refrained from giving the 8 sets of 20 slaps each hand full ” .

Scientists, stimulated by the disbelief of the Italians in the face of a great "Serenity" , have decided to investigate the question, to solve the riddle that afflicts the country: " But how the hell Renzi sleeps at night after inflicting all those stabs to the back to the friends and after all these promises stopped?

Here is what they discovered: "He managed to sleep after stabbing the then mayor of Florence Leonardo Domenici, when he resigned three party councilors and then returned with an additional seat. He sleeps after saying "Be calm" to Letta, after bringing down the Conte government in a complete pandemic and after telling Alitalia employees "leave !!!" and then silently watched the sale at Ethiad . He rested well for days he did not resign after losing the referendum and even after announcing that a new renaissance is underway in Saudi Arabia . Renzi could fall asleep next to a picture at a steelworks in Terni or on a shore of fish at the Vucciria in Palermo just by pressing an elbow on a surface. It seems – concludes the investigator – that the Nightmare saga itself was interrupted after Freddy Krueger entered one of his dreams .

“We carefully examined all the exogenous and endogenous factors of the case, from the Arno water to the blood type, from the dye used to print the ItaliaViva cards to the encephalogram – Matteo Renzi himself immediately gave us our session polysomnographic monitoring – but we have not found a single culprit for this phenomenon, rather a combination of several factors: among these, the presence of a pathogenic bacterium that causes Trypanosomiasis Toscana,   also known as the plague of 'Arno, which can cause intense attacks paraculismu; the presence in his blood of a rare delta-type endorphin called Porcoddiin K, synthesized in certain parts of the digestive system, which allows him to receive well-being from the anger of others, recharging it with renewed energy; and finally, the role of the chittesinculin vector protein should not be underestimated, which pushes us to want to always be at the center of the scene. “

Vittorio Lattanzi

The article Discovering how Renzi sleeps at night comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/scoperto-come-fa-renzi-a-dormire-la-notte/ on Mon, 29 Mar 2021 09:25:07 +0000.

The article Discover how Renzi sleeps at night comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/scopre-cumu-renzi-dorme-di-notte/ on Fri, 02 Apr 2021 05:15:00 +0000.