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Italy’s golden year continues: first in the ranking of deaths at work

Rome (INAIL) – The satisfactions for our country in 2021 seem really destined not to stop.
After the success of the Eurovision Måneskin and victory in the European Football Campiunati and midaglie to the Olympics and Paralimpichi, and gold medals in cycling, the reinforcements in pallavolu, success in cricket, in hairdressing, pastry, tug of war, trump, quail jumping, racism, guilt, crochet and rugby… no, rugby no, and the Nobel Prize in Physics, for Italy comes a new important step: the record number of deaths at work have occurred in the most disparate sectors, from construction to agriculture, numbers that probably have not been found since the triumphant Russian campaign of 1941.

The Prime Minister did not fail to praise the great variety of ways in which these tragedies have occurred: " It is a clear sign that our nation is proud to vary in different areas and is not limited to basking in a single sector. limited and, on the contrary, is not afraid to broaden its horizons and to carry out that fundamental mission to achieve other goals, or to diversify ”.

The Confindustria leader, on the other hand, wanted to emphasize the fact that this is a clear demonstration of how the litany of the working class that no longer exists is just the fantasies of a lack anchored in now archaic and rejected schemes. history: " Workers, despite our daily commitment to exterminate them by increasing the necessary productivity without the necessary safety measures, still exist ."
The unions point out that it is still a bit excessive to force them to have the Green Pass to be crushed by a press release and that it will be their priority to fight for this obligation to be lifted.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Labor has assured that he will spend personally to ensure that there is a willingness to confirm the intention to ensure the implementation of the effort to find a convergence on the possibility of a synthesis aimed at creating the conditions for an agreement between all interested parties to identify any possible mechanism capable of fulfilling the necessary conditions to safeguard the safeguards of the appropriate consultation mechanisms to explain the actions necessary to address the problem.

To cast doubt on the umpteenth trophy won by this, too often deservedly criticized, is the varied galaxy No Vax for which the number of white deaths is cleverly inflated by strong powers to hide its true cause: adverse reactions to the vaccine .
The center- right parties, on the other hand, have already warned the government that the fact that these results will be achieved also thanks to the contribution of workers from foreign countries should not be used as a pretext to reopen the chapter on ius soli. .

Meanwhile, the Quirinal does not hide a certain annoyance at the lack of respect and gratitude shown by bricklayers, workers, technicians, farmers who lost their lives during their work and who did not show up at the reception organized by the He went on to receive applause from the President of the Republic himself.

However, we contacted a construction engineer to ask what safety measures he had promoted on his construction site and he assured us that he had had the workers who first fall to break his face. *

Augusto Rasori

* This joke is not mine, it is by Dario Fo and in 1962 it was censored by Rai.

The article Continues the golden year of Italy: the first in the ranking of deaths at work comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from Italian of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/continua-lanno-doro-dellitalia-prima-anche-nella-classifica-delle-morti-sul -work / u Mon, 11 Oct 2021 09:07:24 +0000.

The article The golden year of Italy continues: first in the ranking of deaths at work comes from Ultimi Notizie .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/lannu-doru-di-litalia-cuntinua-primu-in-u-ranking-di-i-morti-a-u-travagliu/ on Sat, 16 Oct 2021 03:00:00 +0000.