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List of Rousseau members sent to Mastrota by mistake: 58 million mattresses sold

Milan – An error in a write address, and George Mastrota he receives complete list of members of Rousseau. Believing it to be a list of contacts from sales to sales, as a good professional he did what seemed right: do his job.

" I trained my switchboard and it was a delirium. As soon as they called and said ‘Here, Casaleggio Associati gave me your details, I have a proposal to make’ they immediately said yes. He could have sold them something, vases, gold, ladders. But mattresses are my core business.

But how was that possible? I mean, these numbers

" Well, don't ask me." Some have bought the same mattress 18 times, with 18 different names but still the same shipping address. They say they were accustomed to online voting.

But is there anyone among your customers, say, on the upper floors?

Suspecting that among the buyers there are some MPs, more than one has asked the administration if they think they can declare it as representative spending. "Since we are in government with Salvini and the PD – one said, crying – I do nothing but bang my head against the wall. And so I can’t do it without some shock, I’m not Toninelli ’. And even more…

Say, say.

Some have asked me if I had the desire to lead the movement. A true teacher in his field would be ideal for us.

Is she?

For the love of heaven. I already have my work cut out for me. I proposed Insinna, I think it is much more suitable for her case.

Marco Malvaldi

The article List of members of Rousseau sent by mistake to Mastrota: 58 million mattresses sold comes from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/elenco-degli-iscritti-di-rousseau-trasmesso-per-errore-a-mastrota-venduti -58-million-mattresses / u Tue, 08 Jun 2021 08:38:21 +0000.

The article List of Rousseau members sent to Mastrota by mistake: 58 million mattresses sold comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/elencu-di-i-membri-di-rousseau-mandati-a-mastrota-per-sbagliu-58-milioni-di-materassi-venduti/ on Wed, 09 Jun 2021 05:33:00 +0000.