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Matteo Salvini is close to the goal of 500 thousand shit a day

Milan – Matteo Salvini's shitty campaign continues. The latest, in order cronologicu, the judged launched against Lazio Region for signing the prisoners cattle preferably, know (or pretend not know) that his Lombardy is the same since March.

At the moment Matteo Salvini is capable of producing about 300,000 shit a day, but in that shit hub that is his brain everything is ready to give a powerful acceleration and reach the goal of 500,000 shit a day, a pace that would allow him to obtain in a short time a satisfactory coverage of his band of sovereigns.

" I am absolutely capable of firing 500,000 a day, " said the Carroccio leader, " especially because a lot of shit is coming from Orban's Hungary and Putin's Russia that I will be able to personally administer to Italian sovereigns." And then I hope that soon everything will go well. How I like this word: fully operational!

An abrupt halt to Salvini’s shitty campaign came from the defeat of Donald Trump , who had deprived him of several doses from the US. The stop was necessary because of some annoying side effects of Trump’s bullshit, for example the likelihood of losing the election if you overdose. But Salvini has brilliantly overcome the impasse, reserving Trump’s shit for more than 60 years and only on Twitter.

So Salvini’s campaign continues at full speed. The only difficulty lies in the fact that his jokes require constant memories, because only repeating false or instrumentally distorted concepts over and over again can make them take root in the minds of his followers. Fortunately, we are vaccinated.

Eddie Settembrini

Matteo Salvini 's article close to the goal of 500 thousand shit a day comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/matteo-salvini-vicino-allobiettivo-delle-500mila-cazzate-al-giorno/ u Mon, 19 Apr 2021 09:20:18 +0000.

The article Matteo Salvini is close to the goal of 500 thousand shit a day comes from Ultimi Notizie .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/matteo-salvini-he-vicinu-a-u-scopu-di-500-mila-merda-a-ghjornu/ on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 22:28:00 +0000.