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Minister Speranza warns: “Fines for those with a tanned face without the mask mark”

Tintarel (LE) – They discussed the progress of the new decree that the government is preparing in view of the gradual reopening of the main business with the arrival of the summer.

Some of the measures presented by Minister Hope are under accusation, such as that of providing high fines for those who are wearing a tanned face without the sign of the mask. There have been immediate reactions of protest, such as that of a Florentine RAI presenter who prefers to remain anonymous ( “If this rule passes, I’m ruined!” ) And threatened to make extreme gestures, like another show with Panariello and Pieraccioni .

According to the Minister of Health, the measure serves to encourage people to wear masks on the outside as well: "If the bronze is ruined from the beginning, our fellow citizens will not be tempted to deprive themselves of the precious IPR." Hope therefore emphasizes the importance of the mask even if you are alone at sea: "The CTS has not yet completely ruled out a possible passage of the virus between humans and the cephalopod."

Many see this rule as an overly restrictive and punitive measure, as do others that have been studied: it will be possible to play football at five, but each team must stay in its half; the cinemas will reopen, but only half of those present will be able to watch the first half, while the other half will resume for the second; you can eat the Fonzies, but strictly without licking your fingers, especially without licking each other’s fingers.

However, Minister Speranza tries to reassure Italians: “We also plan to open the beaches only after 10 pm, so those who go to dinner and have to leave the restaurant by curfew will know where to go, and there will be no no problem solving. " And let me tell you, it is not necessary to be conceited in order to please others." Afterwards, the minister let go of an intimate memory: “I tell you from personal experience. Now I look so firm because I have to maintain an institutional behavior, but in my time I was a bad kid. In the summer camps of the young departed there was the Cucador beach competition and with my brown moon one year I finished third, beating Andrea Orlando and also a bathing assistant on the Romagna Riviera ” .

Andrea Michielotto

The article Minister Speranza warns: "Fine for those who have a tanned face without the sign of the mask" comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/ministro-speranza-avverte-multe-per-chi-ha-il-viso-abbronzato-senza -the-sign-of-the-mask / u Wed, 28 Apr 2021 08:22:58 +0000.

The article Minister Speranza warns: "Fine for those who have a tanned face without the sign of the mask" comes from Ultimi Notizie .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/u-ministru-speranza-prevene-amende-per-quelli-chi-anu-u-visu-bronzatu-senza-u-segnu-di-a-maschera/ on Thu, 29 Apr 2021 05:44:00 +0000.