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Retirees go to a vaccination center and begin giving advice on how to keep the syringe straight.

Porto Sant'Elpidio (FM) – “ Why can't a country with almost a whore per capita get the same results as vaccines? “. Thus began the mayor of the small town on the Marche coast. Porto Sant'Elpidio, famous only for the high rate of prostitution, caused controversy for an episode related to the vaccination campaign, when the mayor decided to install one of the largest vaccination centers in the province and beyond. in the village sports hall . .

Thanks to the new hub it is possible to guarantee more than two hundred vaccinations a day. The news spread throughout the territory, attracting the appetite of many citizens, but the mayor, in line with Draghi's latest appeal, wanted to specify: " We will only vaccinate the elderly, the frail and prostitutes." , of course ”. The pandemic has slowed, if not stopped, the entire nation. but the social life of the elderly has suffered the most, with the absence of construction sites, empty doctors' offices, pensions credited in e-books, which has led to a real abstinence crisis from a row, at the age of 70 and over.

And so it is that hundreds of retirees from Porto Sant'Elpidio crossed their hands, behind the well-meaning spine, and headed towards the Palasport in hopes of receiving a dose of vaccine and even more. Arriving at the scene, a handful of seniors took the opportunity immediately, and without hesitation began to take a look and give advice to the doctors who inoculated the serum: “ No, better the pinch before, after you leave, then it is safe. that's not bad!Cried Peppe de Ponteruttu impatiently to the doctor who inoculated a Pfizer to a 78-year-old colleague. After dozens of such comments, Civil Protection operators intervened, realizing that most of the seniors were not in line for a dose, but only to follow the work of the employees.

We weren’t here to remove the bottles from those who are younger than usErmanno Catà , 79 years old from the place, wanted to specify – but after a year at home, without being able to shout at a worker that the tube is crooked, or to be able to go to the doctor and work the diseases in line with our retired friends, we can no longer take it, it’s hard, we’re in recovery crisis ”. The story ended without any major noise, the group of seniors was made to run by the Palasport and some of them even managed to see their doctor, present at the center as a volunteer. Moments of emotion that made this iconic episode a reminder of the important things that this pandemic has denied even retirees: they don’t have a shit to do all day and create fog everywhere.

Sergio Marinelli

The article Retirees go to a vaccination center and start giving advice on how to keep the syringe straight coming from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/pensionati-si-recano-in-un-hub-vaccinale-e-iniziano-a-dare -tips-on-how-to-keep-the-syringe-straight / u Thu, 15 Apr 2021 09:09:26 +0000.

The article Retirees go to a vaccination center and start giving advice on how to keep the syringe straight comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/i-ritirati-vanu-in-un-centru-di-vaccinazione-e-cumincianu-a-da-cunsiglii-nantu-a-cumu-mantene-a-siringa-dritta/ on Sat, 17 Apr 2021 05:41:00 +0000.