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Rome. Fight at the Pinch between a band of wild boars and one of seagulls

Terrazza del Pincio [ROME] – There is still no definitive information on the causes that sparked a fight on the terrace of the Pincio in Rome at the end of the afternoon between a band of seagulls and one of wild boars. According to the first witnesses, it seems that everything started due to an accident, when in two different parts of the Eternal City two buses suddenly caught fire two hours later than usual, thus scaring the two groups of animals, which they are put to run and fly. in the direction of the terrace, meeting and then collision.

As is well known, the capital is divided into areas controlled by various criminal groups. Usually everything goes pretty smoothly, in normal administration, but problems start to arise when there are transgressions from their territory of influence. The main areas remain 4: two controlled by seagulls and wild boars and two controlled by the most dangerous gangs that are Casamonica and Giunta Raggi , the latter however , given the beginning of the election campaign for the next municipal elections, has begun to lose appeal.

It is also for this reason that more and more often there are clashes for the division of territory. A penitent of the wild boar during a recent interrogation said that his old family and that of the seagulls are in the process of reaching an agreement, destined to create a collaboration: "since in Rome there is enough rubbish for everyone" .

Many are now wondering if, after the events of the Pincio, this alliance can still pass. Citizens, however, remain confident. The hope of an alliance between these two groups could finally bring to Rome a more stable and prudent management of all that it has had so far. As they say in these cases, then, all that remains is to wait for what will happen by staying at the window, or more precisely, by staying at the terrace.

Fabio Corigliano

The Rome article . Fighting at Pinciu between a band of wild boars and one of seagulls comes from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/roma-rissa-al-pincio-fra-una-gang-di-cinghiali-e-una -di-gabbiani / u Thu, 18 Mar 2021 10:02:05 +0000.

The Rome article . Fight at the Pinch between a band of wild boars and one of seagulls coming from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/roma-cumbattite-a-u-pinciu-tra-una-banda-di-cinghiali-e-unu-di-gabbiani/ on Thu, 18 Mar 2021 14:02:46 +0000.