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Sicily, Governor Musumeci: “The positives have increased significantly since we started counting.”

ARANCIN * – " The number of covid-19 positives has clearly increased since we started counting ." This was stated by the President of the Sicilian Region Nello Musumeci who, in an interview given recently to the local broadcaster Telecapocchia 57, confirmed that the sudden growth of infections is in fact connected to the implementation by the Regional Department Health of a new calculation methodology that predicts that Covid positive people are actually counted among Covid positive people.

But there is more. This methodology, which bases its effectiveness on a complex algorithm that insiders call “ add-ons ” in technical jargon, provides not only that infected people are counted in the daily total of infected people, but also that dead are counted in the day to day of death . A real revolution that will make the regional health department of Sicily one of the most advanced regional health departments in the Sicilian region.

The new account system will officially go into effect next Saturday ; until then the old system will remain in use temporarily, providing an approximate estimate of the data calculated on the basis of 3 parameters: the number of inhabitants of the region, the reports received from the individual ASLs and the number of consonants present in the word Musumeci.


The article Sicily, Governor Musumeci: “The positives have increased significantly since we started counting” comes from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/sicilia-governatore-musumeci-positivi-aumentati-sensibilmente-da-quando-abbiamo-iniziato-a -contarli / u Wed, 07 Apr 2021 09:18:10 +0000.

The article Sicily, Governor Musumeci: “Positives have increased significantly since we started counting” comes from Ultimi Notizie .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/sicilia-guvernatore-musumeci-i-pusitivi-so-aumentati-significativamente-da-quandu-avemu-cuminciatu-a-cuntalli/ on Thu, 08 Apr 2021 09:32:00 +0000.