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The student forgets about his soul at home and is excluded from the theology class

Grinpasso (NO) – is certainly a surreal episode that students of the course of Special Sacramental Theology Faculty of Theology of Grinpasso they attend.
This morning, a girl (who asked to be lifeless and whom we will call Maifreda) had presented herself to the lesson without soul, to the wonder and embarrassment of passers-by, but also of all others.

The course teacher, Professor Ignazia Gandalfi, would have immediately noticed the inconvenience, due to a slight sulfur fragrance emanating from the student. He was therefore asked to present a baptismal certificate or, conversely, to undergo a rapid sacramental ordeal (which consists of going through a burning pyre while reciting the rosary).
Maifreda, however, refused to show the certificate and submit the test, explaining that she probably forgot her soul at home, in the washing machine .

Maifreda’s refusal immediately cast doubt on the consciousness of other students, which led to a doctrinal debate about the immortality of the soul, its separability from the body, and the possibility of washing with a program for delicacies. or whites. The discussion has thus degenerated into four new heresies and two schisms, with a positive rate of 5.6%.

When the situation seemed unrecoverable, Professor Gandalfi took over the reins of the confrontation, inviting Maifreda to leave the classroom.

“You can't send me away: by refusing to take the test, I can only exercise my free will! , Maifreda would answer, thus offering a sensational assistant to the professor who would in fact immediately answer: “ How can you exercise free will if you are deprived today, by your own admission, of your soul ?! “

Without waiting for the girl to answer, the teacher took a shepherd's staff, pointed it at the ground and once again ordered Maifreda to leave: "I am the servant of the Holy Fire and I have the flame of the Paraclete ." Return to ombra! Valdo's writings will do you no good, you Moloch follower ! It can't happen !

Leaving the lesson, the young Maifreda entrusted her outlet to social networks : With the excuse of guaranteeing our freedom of choice between good and evil, the divine authorities inoculate us , already at the moment of our conception. and without our consent, a mysterious breath. called soul! But the soul is not an instrument of freedom and is rather a means of control that the divinity employs to know at all times not only what we do, but also our deepest thoughts, our inner wills. I have decided to escape this theocratic dictatorship, at least until they make public the composition of this impalpable mixture .

To those who, in comments, asked him if he was even against vaccines, Maifreda responded. "I am a rebellious heretic, not an idiot . "

Francesco Conte

The article Student forgets about the soul at home and is excluded from the Theology lesson coming from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/studentessa-dimentica-lanima-a-casa-e-viene-esclusa-da-lezione-di -teologia / u Tue, 26 Oct 2021 09:09:36 +0000.

The article The student forgets about his soul at home and is excluded from the theology class comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/u-studiente-si-scurda-di-a-so-anima-in-casa-e-he-esclusu-da-a-classe-di-teologia/ on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 01:13:00 +0000.