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The Twitter user discovers that Capezzone hasn’t even blocked him and wonders where he’s going wrong

Arco (RE) – " What do I have less than the 7 billion people who inhabit this planet?" Don't I have eyes? Don’t I have hands, organs, limbs, senses, affections and passions? Don’t I eat the same food a Facebook user eats? Aren’t I hurt by the same Twitter reports? Are they not subject to their own ignorant standards? So why doesn't Daniele Capezzone stop me?

These are the first words published by the man who for months has been desperate to be blocked by the journalist, sage and columnist (definitions of Wikipedia and from whom we categorically distance ourselves. Ed.) Who in recent months has built a liquid reputation. jumping here and there in the various talk shows (definition of Wikipedia and from which we categorically distance ourselves. Ed.) that animate the increasingly instructive program (if you are a zoologist) of Rete 4: “Last night I was able to say that in a system Liberals pay taxes against a consideration given to you by the State and then I go on to comment on their profile which is really credible said on one of the channels of their (ex?) employer definitively convicted of tax fraud and of whom it was spokesman. And do you know what he did? Nothing!

The issue is actually quite strange, especially considering that Capezzone (Wikipedia’s definition and from which we categorically distance ourselves. Ed.) Has been diagnosed for several years now with an acute form of Blocchite, a syndrome that pushes a user to social media to ban anyone who thinks otherwise. It seems that the former exponent of the Conservatives and Reformists (we swear they really exist!) And now a contributor to the newspaper La Verità (in short, he’s the one who likes oxymorons) has even blocked his shop. , guilty of having asked them “ Doctor, it’s a pound and a half, what do I do, leave? “. When the merchant replied that he was not on social media, Capezzone blocked his store by putting chewing gum in the shutter lock.
In recent months, more and more people have been trying to provoke the former politician of La Rosa del Pugno – then of Forza Italia, then of the People of Freedom, then of the Direction of Italy – to be blocked, then then they could follow him on Parler , the sovereign social network shut down by Amazon after the assault on Capitol Hill and the Salvini recording :

Parler is offline, the sovereign social network has been ousted: Salvini has just signed

Do you know what I do ?”, Our distressed interviewee tells us, “ Now I write his anagram Cazzopene on his profile. Nothing. He did not react. But I can find out why it doesn’t block me or my name is no longer Silvio Berlusconi !

Augusto Rasori

The user of the Twitter article discovers that Capezzone has not even blocked him and wonders where he is wrong coming from Lerciu .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/uttore-twitter-scopre-che-capezzone-non-lha-ancora-bloccato-e-si -quiede-dove-stia-sbagliando / u Tue, 06 Apr 2021 09:13:27 +0000.

The article The Twitter user discovers that Capezzone hasn’t even blocked it and wonders where it’s going wrong comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/lutilizatore-di-twitter-scopre-chi-capezzone-un-lha-ancu-bluccatu-e-si-dumanda-induve-he-sbagliatu/ on Thu, 08 Apr 2021 08:23:00 +0000.