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Tv. Big Brother Vip lasted until the death of the finalists came

CA (SA) – New twist in Big Brother Vip . Beginning on September 14, 2020, the reality show, which is scheduled to end on December 2, 2020 and has since been extended to February 8, 2021 and then to March 1, 2021, will end when the contestants will die, to death.
“We made this decision because things were not going as we hoped,” reveals an Endemol insider . "By contract, in reality, the competitors had to stay in contention with the fake candidates and the fake televotes until, according to our polls, the public couldn't understand what the fuck they were up to, but something went wrong . " According to the source, the real goal of the Gf Vip was in fact to make VIP a band of unknowns like Mario Ermito, Giacomo Urtis or Giulio Ruddo, keeping them longer on television. “And our systems still work” continues the source “an example? One sentence was enough to make me believe that Giulio Ruddo was a VIP, while instead I invented him alone. I know, I know, don't look at me like that: Mario Ermito and Giacomo Urtis really exist ” .

By contrast, according to the source, this should be the mechanism, except that something was wrong at some point. “We have noticed that, despite the program having already been expanded twice, despite the television exposure, despite the bombing of the D’Urso, people have had difficulty recognizing alleged VIPs like Fulvio Abbate, but above all they have not not accepting to ‘promote’ an influential Vip who are barefoot without art or part, because to become a Vip you need a bit of talent, understand, it’s not enough just to spend thousands of hours on TV or to be gay ” .

In principle, the production had thought a solution indirectly, to change the program guide rimpiazzendu Alfonso Signorini with a driver part: a pettegolezzu the ECB high profile has ever said "vipponiiii !!!" . The new presenter would have taken responsibility for transforming the program until its predetermined deadline, "placing his men in the positions of key fans, replacing Pupo and Antonella Elia with trusted opinion leaders . "

After a few evaluation meetings, however, this scenario would not have been very convincing and then the production would have agreed with the participants ’agents to reach the extreme solution: the contestants would remain on television until death comes to a head. li. The last to stay alive wins (and at that point he will be Vippissimo). " The only condition: it must be natural death, because even children look after us . "

The news will be officially announced by Alfonso Signorini on March 1, the day the contestants believe the program will end. “It seems to me a great injustice to change the rules of the current game,” commented one of the influencers of the Gf Vip who was removed from the house before his existence could acquire meaning and that we did not understand the name “and then, let’s say, it’s the usual maneuver to favor Tommaso Zorzi who is only 25 years old and is the one who will live above all else. The energizing juices for immortality are already done. Although, in my opinion, Stefania Orlando can crush him: if he shows them, Zorzi is impressed and dies immediately ” .

Stefanu Pisani

The TV article . Big Brother Vip stretched on until the finalists ’death came from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/tv-grande-fratello-vip-prolungato-finche-non-sopraggiungera-la-morte-dei -finalists / u Tue, 16 Feb 2021 09:38:48 +0000.

The article Tv. Big Brother Vip lasted until the death of the finalists coming from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/tv-grande-fratellu-vip-prolungatu-finu-a-chi-a-morte-di-i-finalisti-ghjunghji/ on Thu, 18 Feb 2021 03:38:54 +0000.