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Vaccinated for Chaos in Lombardy, Fontana called for the resignation of the 1980s

Milan (The city that never sleeps, don’t ask us how it stays up all night, don’t want to know anything and don’t make inferences, no, we’re not blown away!) – “If you know how weird it is, find the bill in the mother's bank in Lugano. In Luganooo! “He sang radiantly, that typical splendor that has always distinguished him, as he enters the palace of the region, the governor of the mythical Lombardy , mythical not in the sense that it does not exist but because it is truly the best of all, and not the we write not only out of flattery or because we cannot be accused of being prejudicial and envious of him but precisely because we are irreducibly convinced of it. After all, how can we fail to recognize the greatness of a region that has managed to vote in sequence the eternal promise Formigoni (4 times! FOUR !!!), Maroni and Fontana, remaining absolutely convinced they were right?

And for the good Attilio the conditions for a beautiful day – No, I mean, CONCRETE 4 TIMES !!! – seemed immediately confirmed when, once seated in his office chair, getting help from a computer expert for 15,000 euros a month because he was the only one on that floor who could distinguish “ON” from “OFF”, he turned on the his PC and after connecting to Twitter, not before consulting the post-it with the passwords attached to the monitor, he had the pleasure of seeing that among the trends of the day there was none other than himself:

As you can see, we were not boasting: Fountain in trend!

Between euphoria, Fontana immediately called his most trusted adviser to share with him, like a generous man, the joy of the moment, according to Giulio Gallera:
– Hello?
– Hello, Giulio! Have you seen that they are on trend?
– Eh?
– Finally, they recognized my achievements! It was now!
"What the fuck is he talking about?"
"What the fuck is he talking about?" I'm Attiliu!
– Acts, two things. First, read a couple of tweets and realize you’re in trend because you don’t understand shit, and two, it doesn’t work for you anymore, don’t look at me anymore and fuck…
– Giulio? I think the line is down. Maybe he was in a gallery. He didn’t have time to tell me who was in his place now!

Fontana then listened to the advice of his former health adviser and was unfortunately able to ascertain that the comments under the hashtag #Fontana were in fact all negative, except one which, however, was from an old fan of the song. " The world ." After compelling about 12,000 tweets, the president of the extraordinary Lombardy heard that criticism could have to do with his management of the pandemic and vaccinations and that they showed above all one thing: the people are deeply ungrateful.
The former Mayor of Varese Induno Olona and therefore to a hilltop with convoqué ses collaborateurs les plus proches: Letizia Moratti, Guido Bertolaso, Eleonora Brigliadori and a pat of tops were here he données par son beau frère (about également convoqué Forget forgetting that he was no longer working here and let you imagine his answer), the summit started 10 minutes late because he no longer remembers whether the mask was worn with elastic bands behind his head or in front. : ” Guys, I thought about it a lot and if after dismissing Gallera and AIR’s Board of Directors, there are still misunderstandings with these vaccine dogs for over 80 years, then we need to eliminate the problem at the root: get rid of these cocks over 80 years old! Hey, I don't want to see them anymore!

Attempts by the gowns to explain that starting in 1995, with the first of 4 terms Concrete – FOUR, FUCK! – the elders have been a gold mine for the fortune of private health care, towards which even the successive administrations of the incomparable, immeasurable, incredible Lombardy which they have followed have never shown themselves particularly in friction (not very small litote) but now the brave Attilius had already left the meeting room singing at the top of his voice a song learned in Switzerland: "IIIIIIL COOONTOOOOO, NEVER STOP A MOMENTOOOOOO."

Augusto Rasori

The article Chaos vaccines Lombardy, Fontana calls for the resignation of more than 80 years comes from Lercio .

This is an automatic translation from the Italian language of a post published in Lercio at the URL https://www.lercio.it/caos-vaccini-lombardia-fontana-chiede-le-dimisione-degli-over-80/ u Fri, 02 Apr 2021 09:14:30 +0000.

The article Vaccine to Chaos in Lombardy, Fontana calls for the resignation of the 80s comes from Latest News .

This is a machine translation from Corsican language of a post published on Ultimi Nutizie at the URL https://ultiminutizie.vogon.today/vaccina-a-u-chaos-in-lombardia-fontana-chjama-a-a-demissione-di-lanni-80/ on Sat, 03 Apr 2021 03:08:42 +0000.