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Gas price ceiling: only Europeans are weak enough to accept this joke

TTF this is how energy speculation works

The European Commission has asked itself this question: how can I make fun of 15 out of 27 countries (Italy in primis) to satisfy the dominant duo Germany and the Netherlands and perhaps make me say "Che bravo" from the Italian press? Simple: I create a gas ceiling with a very high price, with absurd and objectively unenforceable conditions. In fact, that's exactly what happened.

The gas cap is a mediocre idea made by mediocre governments led by Draghi, but it was still an idea that had the support of the majority of European countries. The Commission responded to the request with a “ Price cap ” which triggers only:

  1. if the price of 275 Euro Kw/h for 15 days is exceeded, which is enough to see the price graph to understand that it did not happen even in the worst moments of August, when you could buy at any price
  2. that the TTF price exceeds the reference price of liquefied natural gas by 58 euros (why 58 and not 56 or 60?), which means comparing a spot price, which is not very indicative, with an average price whose creation is mysterious.

I wonder why the Commission left such broad and permissive conditions: it could also condition the application of the ceiling to Salernitana's victory in the championship or that a decent singer wins X Factor. Beyond the sarcasm, it is incredible that 15 European countries accept being treated in this way without any reaction. The servility of democratic governments towards the unelected commission should outrage every single European citizen. Instead, you will see that governments will digest this latest mockery without a fight. Other men, those who created European cooperation, would have already sent Von Der Leyen home, but these men are no longer here.

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The article Gas price ceiling: only Europeans are weak enough to accept this joke comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/tetto-al-prezzo-del-gas-solo-gli-europei-sono-cosi-smidollati-dallaccettare-questa-presa-in-giro/ on Thu, 24 Nov 2022 07:00:57 +0000.