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German integrity

According to the Treccani dictionary ( three dogs , for MEF employees) integrity is the opposite of corruption . What I'm going to tell you, therefore, is the opposite of a story of corruption.

The case is that of the fintech company Wirecard (here a summary of how it started by a reliable newspaper), a case that, I want to remind you, has also reverberated in our country . For those in the Debate, nothing new. In fact, you will have heard me say a thousand times, on Facebook direct or on other public occasions, that the astonishing response of the German Consob to journalistic inquiries that raised doubts was not going to see the accounts (which later turned out to be extremely creative), but denouncing journalists !

(… it seems that in the rest of the world there are: here in Italy, after years of double-digit inflation in the 90s and tarot quotes we tend to believe that they are extinct, but, who knows, maybe it could be possible to repopulate them , as is done for other forms of life …)

Needless to say, they didn't take it very well:

and I would also like to see!

The fact is that the FT, after this nice joke, got in a good mood, arriving where, who knows, perhaps it would not even want to arrive (since objectively it acts as if it were the press office of the Commission, to the point that unverifiable say that he is about to liquidate or has liquidated the too Eurosceptic Munchau, here affectionately renamed "the eternal second", because he always arrives after us to our own conclusions). Today the Financial Times tells us what they may never have wanted to tell us:

The scandal extends to German politics (indeed, at this point to the #aaaaabolidiga) German: Angela Merkel and other prominent politicians continued to support the group even when the warning signs had multiplied!

Eh, yeah, but you knew, right? So unlike the German opposition politicians:

you are not surprised that "instead of investigating the merits of the accusations brought to Wirecard, the BaFin and the Munich criminal judiciary investigated the journalists" (BaFin is the German CONSOB). You are not surprised because I have been telling you this for months (for three months and three days, that is, since the video mentioned above was released), and because you know very well how healthy Germany is!

It is you who are corrupt!

Or not?

(… these – that is, the intact Germans – are the ones who will come to our house to check that the billions of the ESM are spent on the COVID emergency. After all, it is good news: just give them a suitable stick, and they will do what we like. But only if we are from the PD! … )  

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2020/09/integrita-tedesca.html on Tue, 29 Sep 2020 13:11:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.