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I don’t forget oh!

Good morning Senator,  

I take advantage of the summer holidays to write you a few words because I would have been slightly annoyed with those that "iooh I do not forgetoh!" and I would like to have my say, after all nothing that you do not already know.

I have my flaws too and so I haven't forgotten when the Germans took over the company I was employed by and started cutting wages and firing. I have not forgotten the threats suffered by the colleague who asked for an extension of the maternity leave. I have not forgotten that, when asked for permits to accompany his pregnant wife, an engineer was replied: "Tell her to have an abortion". Companies that proudly declare themselves green, sustainable, inclusive.

In the end it was also my turn to be fired, with four girls to support. I admit, I was already reading goofynomics, but I was not prepared for that trauma and I experienced it as a drama.

Automation technician with more than twenty years of experience, I sent hundreds of CVs, knocked on many doors but didn't have any job interview, not even by mistake. And I have not forgotten the entrepreneurs who "play piangina" saying that they cannot find personnel specialized in automation because of the school, the naspi, the rdc, the "do not want to work". But people like me (over fifty years of age) didn't even want to call them for a poor interview.

A few years have passed since that very hard period and now I find myself working on the other side of Milan: 1 hour and 15 minutes outward, 1 hour and 30 minutes back. Time taken away from family commitments (my wife is also employed). The current salary is half of what I was 10 years ago. However, there are still four daughters to support.

I have not forgotten anything of everything that has happened to me and I am old enough to be able to say that today the working conditions of many people profoundly damage their dignity, their psychophysical integrity, their emotional and social life.

By the time the pandemic arrived, past experience had taught me the lesson and I was prepared for what was about to happen. On that occasion, having a low salary and a high specialization was an advantage in not giving in to any blackmail.

To go back to the beginning, I would like to say something to those that "I, oh I do not forget oh!". I find it curious that those who say they do not want to forget seem to have already forgotten that many men and women have lost and are losing their jobs and dignity without any obligation to "puncture". The ones that "I, oh I don't forget, oh!" where were they when I was already reading my near future on the goofynomics pages?

(… well, someone was here with you reading the near future, but blinded by the ambition and the desire to use our work as a social elevator evidently did not understand what we were talking about, if only because they were interested in his future more than that of the others. Faced with their inadequacy, these friends have gone mad with rage. They are the noisy minority. Then there are the others. center of gravity in my college – and to be welcomed by the affection of many and the respect of all. I assure you that there is no unhealthy air around you that you breathe on social media. I confirm that the Italians have understood that their first enemy is the PD, not because it has nominated Speranza, but for a dating and preliminary reason: because it identifies with that part of the country that, in order to feel better than the other, and therefore legibus soluta and naturally predestined to dominance, told herself of having won a war that the country had lost. This led her to consider it natural and right that the other party could not and should not express herself, to the point of considering with annoyed amazement not so much that others expressed themselves, but that someone – quorum ego – thought it was natural and healthy.

The PD knows it can only win if you don't express yourself, and it knows it will lose if you express yourself correctly. Don't you think you have already dealt with the anti-system movements? Do you want to get fooled again?

Feel free … but first read the letter from our friend carefully! … )

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2022/08/ioh-non-dimenticooh.html on Mon, 22 Aug 2022 17:33:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.