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Still on the contents: the videos

(… I see you as not very reactive. Yet you are there! The #goofy is almost sold out, a month later, I have to find out if it is possible to expand the capacity without losing an eye – the structure has changed ownership and this determines some natural and absolutely legitimate rigidity, but the economic support for a/symmetries is no longer what it once was – but all of you, indeed, all of us, are attracted by the Twitter latrine, by that repertoire of human cases, and we have little time for finding ourselves here, in our home, in the home of the community , which exists because someone has offered us a physical place in which to recognize ourselves and be self-aware. I think it is impossible to convey the meaning of this experience to others, but think about how I don't think it's useless to try …)

I'm thinking about which video contents could make sense to highlight in the reading path of albertobagnai.it.

Meanwhile, in the "informative video" category I would certainly put byoblu's interview, which had a fair amount of prominence at the time (unfortunately with the removal of byoblu's YouTube channel, the metrics and comments on the video were lost, which had over 200,000 views), and which is now found here , behind a paywall , but also here, thanks to Alessia:

This was effectively the mother of all interviews, the video equivalent of what the manifesto article ( which you find here ) had been in the press eleven months earlier, and already from these two examples you can see some of the practical difficulties in which we comes across the construction of the Bagnai mausoleum (the Albertinum): I do not have the intellectual property rights nor the physical availability of some materials. Merely by way of example: I don't have the file with the video of the byoblu interview in my possession, I could ask Alessia but I would have to ask Claudio for permission to use it on my site, possibly reuploading it, to avoid that if they take down byoblu another once my video disappears from my mausoleum (now we can expect anything); I don't know if I have my file of the manifesto interview, the .doc on which I wrote it, the page on which it was published at the time can currently only be found on archive.org, which poses, among other things, a problem of credibility in the correct attribution of dates, given that today everyone says what thirteen years ago only I said, and therefore when the original source is missing one runs the risk of appearing boastful by correctly attributing thoughts which were revolutionary at the time and which today are within everyone's reach.

Another issue, in addition to that of "metadata" (the date, the original source, etc.) is the non-trivial one of writing a short text to contextualize the content, to guide the author to understand its meaning. In some cases, for example, a brief review of what the newspapers were saying at the time, or what political events were taking place or preparing, etc. might be useful. Of course, however, you shouldn't write an essay for every content, if only because it would be physically impossible.

However: the top "informative" video for me is undoubtedly "Europe is asking us", and it would also be so in terms of objective metrics if Claudio's YouTube channel had not been taken down by Google's squad members.

Another video that in my opinion should absolutely be there, and which probably, being an interview with Rai2, falls into the "television video" category, is this:

They are, after all, the two videos that I published on my site when I set it up in 2018.

To return to the metrics, it may be interesting to see which are the first two most viewed videos on the channels that relaunch my business (from which we must unfortunately exclude Fausto's channel, which was also taken down), regardless of the categories we have defined (informative, institutional, media).

On The Nonconformist this:

with 76,522 views (category: "informative video") and this:

with 26,447 views (category: "TV videos" – it's actually an interview with RadioRadio).

I forgot both!

On the a/simmetrie channel (that, at least, is under control, for now!), the two most viewed videos, both in the "informative video" category, are this:

with 84,567 views and this:

with 57,065 views (I remember them both very well: the first has, among other things, in common with "Europe is asking us" the fact that it was filmed at the home of the one that from last October 28th to yesterday was mine mother in law).

On the Pupia News channel (I have no idea who they are, but they help in terms of diffusion) the two most viewed videos are this:

with 137,047 views (I remember it well) and this:

with 42,956 views (I forgot), both in the "institutional video" category.

On the Agenzia Italia News channel (which veers a little more towards the "brotherly"), they are this, institutional:

with 22,074 views and this, television:

with 15,664 views (for a video which is in any case paradigmatic of my particular way of managing information operators).

On Lanfranco Palazzolo 's channel I am this:

with 23,238 views and this:

with 21,347 views (both interviews – "television video"…).

On the RadioRadio channel this:

with 239,405 views (on the order of magnitude of those "Europe asks us for it"), to be added to the 137,047 made on Pupia News, and this:

with 125,540 views (we must be grateful to RadioRadio which has a truly excellent circulation and also gave me a voice in unsuspecting times, when it wasn't forced to do so because in public terms I was nobody).

Here: these are some representative video contents according to the unfathomable but unquestionable judgment of the numbers. I don't know of other channels that report my content with numbers of at least five figures (and therefore constitute in some way a significant sample), but if there are any I would ask you to point them out to me. The complete catalogue, updated to date, of my video interventions includes 1508 videos since 22 October 2011:

to 26 September 2024:

(it would be useful for you to subscribe to the new L'Insorto channel, by the way…). It would be useful to know if something in this corpus has caught your attention: I'm waiting for suggestions, and… see you next time to talk about texts (the ones I like – we've already talked about one – and the ones you like)!

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2024/09/ancora-sui-contenuti-i-video.html on Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:21:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.