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Stop the phone calls!


I thank everyone collectively, and I will do so individually, for the generosity and speed with which you have accepted my appeal .

I would like to add a detail: a candidate cannot spend more than 52,000 euros for his election campaign plus a cent for each inhabitant of his province (so, in my case , something around another 3,800 euros). No further quantities of the devil's dung are expected to be handled. Not having against, like last time, a bank visibly willing to sabotage me (but I am not rancorous …), we have already approached this sum, and therefore I ask you, if you have not already contributed, not to contribute further to mine electoral account .

But if you really want to support my political battle in the area, you can do it by contributing to the Abruzzo League.

The rules are slightly different: contributions to parties, with a "liberal payment" reason (therefore not with other reasons such as: "Bagnai al MEF" or "You suck but I support you because Bagnai is there!" …) are deductible , but over 500 euros are subject to publication in the "transparency" section of our site . If this option interests you, the IBAN of the Lega Salvini Premier Abruzzo is:

IT 48J02 00845131000105609636

In any case, thanks again! And now, the Commission on the bis aid decree is starting again …

Ps: if with the transfers arriving very fine above the threshold, we will decide together to which good work to allocate the surplus.

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2022/09/stop-alle-telefonate.html on Wed, 07 Sep 2022 11:14:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.