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The psychology of the good

Although iBuoni ™ are often (and tend to always consider themselves) intelligent, there is one thing that is particularly difficult to make them understand, although it is attested by the sources and is basically easy to understand: even the Nazis believed they were on the side of the quite right. On the contrary, it can be assumed that they believed it in a particularly intense way, unattainable by any residue of doubt, because basically no human being could justify in their own eyes the brutal intensity of certain atrocities committed (we all have a conscience, I think. ..), if not, in fact, with an equally intense, granite, unscratchable certainty of having committed them being on the right side.

It follows (but at this point iBuoni ™ we have already lost them along the way, and therefore we continue on our own) that any ethics founded on the fragile pillar of considering oneself in the right (and therefore "others" on the wrong side) is doomed to collapse miserably under their own contradictions, of which I give you a brief anthology here, before returning to the subject with the greater attention that it undoubtedly deserves:

(… one could almost say, to cut it short, that feeling strongly and exclusively on the right side is, if not precisely the definition of Nazism – rectius: of totalitarianism – at least a presupposition, or a necessary ingredient of it. , although this may seem paradoxical to the less accustomed to frequenting books without pictures, it is reasonable to conjecture that the goodness of iBuoni ™ has always been, and always will be, the root of evil. But even this is by no means a discovery: if iBuoni ™ understood the songs they hear, could suffice De Andrè to enlighten them. Instead, as always, this educational task will be reserved – another paradox – to the teacher who, notoriously, has no pupils: the SStoria. But this, here, we talked many times while we saw what inevitably arrived then came … )

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2021/07/la-psicologia-dei-buoni.html on Sat, 10 Jul 2021 15:32:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.