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Why women no longer have children (six years later)

It has happened to us several times to address the issue of the decline in the birth rate in our country, in particular here , with public QED here (the seventy-third) and private QED which I will tell you about if I have time.

Ah, by the way the QED 73, as can still be verified (until they decide to terminate me), read:

and seventeen days after writing itthis happened, which apart from the locality (Ovindoli instead of Roccaraso), resumed with painful evidence a point that I delicately shadowed in my writing: in which you don't happen to kill five to save one (which added to the five makes six). But I remember that in those days we were all shaken by another tragedy that was absolutely out of scale, although probably avoidable, this one , in turn, caused by the long following of another tragedy, this one , of which we had spoken here . The pain was overwhelming, and in any case a rational reasoning about the proximate and remote causes of certain events could have been interpreted as looting, which is why I deprived myself, without any hesitation and without any regret, of the only satisfaction that I could then enjoy: that to say: "I said so"! The fact is that those who had written to me to insult me ​​after the 2015 post, wrote to me to apologize after the 2016 one. There was not even a need to explain what was so evident.

But in short, to get back to the point, the idea of ​​the sociologists from the Sport bar according to which "my lady, today the ggiovani no longer go de fa Fiji because they have a good life …" (or even " 'a cariera … ") has never really convinced us here. We saw some objective, structural problems, of which one, which was probably not the most influential, but not the most irrelevant, was precisely the fact that, as we have recently been reminded, " hospitals were closing down ":

with a very refined use of the pronominal particle between the impersonal and the reflexive, as if the hospitals were closing themselves. But of course there are also many other structural reasons, and we will talk about them tomorrow in an event moderated by one of our good councilors, who is also the head of the economy department of his beautiful region:

I'll wait for you tomorrow …

This is a machine translation of a post (in Italian) written by Alberto Bagnai and published on Goofynomics at the URL https://goofynomics.blogspot.com/2021/06/perche-le-donne-non-fanno-piu-figli-sei.html on Sun, 20 Jun 2021 17:43:00 +0000. Some rights reserved under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.