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All the oddities of the Brexit negotiations

All the oddities of the Brexit negotiations

The comment of Teo Dalavecuras

On Monday 19 October Michel Barnier , the chief Brexit negotiator for the European Union, will be in London. Will we know if there are any remaining possibilities for an agreed UK exit from the EU? It is not said, of course, because in negotiations, as in military conflicts, there are different levels of communication and therefore of information, and what runs through the media is mainly disinformation or even pitch black disguised as words.

What is known for certain, however, is that this interminable negotiation (the referendum on Brexit dates back, for those who had forgotten, in June 2016) is yet another opportunity, unfortunately not lost either by the Brussels bureaucratic elite or by the governments of member states (with the fundamental codazzo of authorized manipulators of public opinion) to throw smoke in the eyes of those few citizens who, around Europe, still believe in politics. This is what anyone who wants to look sees with the naked eye.

One of the still unresolved issues in the negotiation is that which, with the necessary delicacy, is defined as the question of governance (a term that deserves, in the appropriate forum, that of Newspeak, a deepening). Stated without delicacy, it is the EU's claim to bind the United Kingdom to accept EU jurisdiction for more than any disputes that may arise in the application of the agreement. Yes, because the EU doesn't have a constitution, it doesn't have a federal government, it doesn't have a real parliament but a parody of the parliament, it doesn't have an army, it doesn't have a capital, but it has its own judicial order.

This claim to impose the jurisdiction of a non-state on the British, according to any standard of normality, is nonsense; for the people who saved Europe from Hitler it is a provocation; but for the Brussels lobbyists it has a precise meaning: to take the "politics" of ape a federal state to its extreme consequences, to be sold to what remains – very little – of European public opinion; mimicking what the Americans do, who, as is well known, do not recognize any jurisdiction other than their own, and impose it on (almost) the rest of the world, as indeed their imperial status allows, and would suggest to any other power that was in their place . The idea cultivated behind this ambition is that the EU will not be a sovereign power, it will not have an army, but it is a market that appeals to (almost) everyone and therefore is capable of imposing its own rules even on the most rebellious (but sure, just look at EU – Turkey relations!).

The situation, however, as they say is serious but not necessarily serious. It cannot be excluded that the creative bureaucratic talents of Brussels are inventing something that can be sold to Europeans as the primacy of Community law, without affecting the sovereignty of the United Kingdom or its jurisdiction, in short, the right narrative. After all, it was the Constitutional Tribunal of a state of the European Union that was not exactly marginal, such as that of Karlsruhe, that reminded everyone how the institutions of the European Union, including the Court of Justice of the European Union, are not sovereign because sovereignty it has always remained and still is the prerogative of member states, even of Malta and Cyprus: and in that decision, sorry to have to admit, Salvini has nothing to do with it.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/tutte-le-bizzarrie-delle-trattative-sulla-brexit/ on Sat, 17 Oct 2020 05:04:48 +0000.