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All the turmoil hidden in the government majority

All the turmoil hidden in the government majority

What happens in the majority that supports the Draghi government?

As was widely expected, the mainstream press interpreted it as a "high there" to the pressing of Matteo Salvini. But if Mario Draghi defended, as was even obvious for the laws of politics, the minister of his government Roberto Speranza – a defense taken for granted all the more on the wave of a somewhat artful question of the daily fact – at the same time the premier he affirmed, in the recent press conference, what Salvini wanted to hear: the reopenings are "the real support" to the economy. Draghi therefore does not want to be put in the "red zone", if we want to apply a metaphor to politics referring to the method of anti-Covid coloring for the regions. Of course there is not even to be included in the "green zone" or "blue" League, totally reaffirming its autonomy and the lack of "political identity" with which the national emergency government was born with a mandate on three specific points. But, however you put it, it is a fact that about two months after the birth of the executive the Democratic Party and the former yellow-red majority objectively defeated after being blown away by Salvini's choice to enter the government, are now trying in every way to recover lost time and become its architrave. A role that the League immediately occupied in the eyes of public opinion. Even in the same iconography.

Very symbolic is the image of Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, number two of the League, in excellent relations for years with the premier, seated to the right of the former president of the ECB in parliament for the entire day in which the government took office. And only replaced in the evening, in the Senate, by Luigi Di Maio, with a little apprehension. A closeness between the League and Draghi also confirmed on the contents, not only on the centrality of the reopening, albeit still without the fateful date that the League would have liked to have, but also on the use of the Golden power already applied in one case by the League's Minister of Development economic in defense of the Chinese aims on our companies. Choices that mark a U-turn with respect to the yellow-red government policy. In short, the music seems to have definitely changed compared to the times of the Silk Road.

Under the truce signed by Enrico Letta and Matteo Salvini, for the good of the Draghi government and therefore of the country, it is obvious that the underground challenge launched by the new secretary of the Democratic Party to the Lega continues with the ambition of promoting his party to the role of architrave of the national emergency executive. However you think, that of the Democratic Party and the left appears to be a run-up to trying to win a lost central role rather than a victory.

The fact remains that Letta, however, compared to Salvini is faced with an objective disadvantage. And that is to have to find now on the level of the political strategy of his party the square with allies such as the probable future leader of the "renewed" Five Stars, or Giuseppe Conte, who was the prime minister of that very government whose "delays" now Draghi must remedy. In short, an alliance that risks being inconvenient if you intend to give an image of renewal, an alliance on which Matteo Renzi's dry and decisive no has fallen by chance.

The truce with Salvini, in an offensive, which, according to the facts, had unilaterally engaged Letta as soon as he was elected secretary, was probably signed also in the name of what appears to be the only real political point on which the two leaders agree. That is, the preference for the majority over the proportional. Which, in the intentions of Letta, contrives to his design of a new olive tree with the leadership, however, of the Democratic Party. And symmetrically the majority is needed by Salvini to reaffirm the leadership of the center-right, which Giorgia Meloni, president of Fratelli d'Italia, who has remained in the opposition, contends with him.

In this underground challenge, which is consumed on who is the real political architrave of the Draghi government, however, two political actors remain in the background, who now seem cut off from the Letta-Salvini bipolarism, namely, Forza Italia and Italia Viva di Renzi. But in the meantime, more than a high there to Salvini, who, however, according to the real numbers of the consultations held after the 2018 policies and the polls, remains the first Italian party, the last week also seems to have marked a defeat of unconfessed wishes to left to push the League towards a "Papeete 2". Or even those of putting Draghi in the "red zone". Because its "zone" remains non-colourable.

In any case, foreign policy choices such as the visit to Libya and the plan to reaffirm the centrality of Italy in the Mediterranean objectively are very reminiscent of the foreign policy of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his governments. And they open a new phase with respect to the former yellow-red government, even if the foreign minister is always the pentastellato Di Maio.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/tutti-i-subbugli-sotto-traccia-nella-maggioranza-di-governo/ on Sun, 11 Apr 2021 07:29:22 +0000.