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Because it is sacrosanct to say No to the Yes of the new caste of the self-styled anti-caste

Because it is sacrosanct to say No to the Yes of the new caste of the self-styled anti-caste

How Gianfranco Polillo will vote in the referendum

There are the good savages and the educated voters. But only the first will vote "Yes" in the constitutional referendum. Just look at the reasons that have accompanied this ramshackle election campaign. On the one hand, the overly sophisticated interventions by men like Luciano Violante or Carlo Cottarelli. On the other hand, Luigi Di Maio's descent into the field, who will play his game for life next week. If the cut of the parliamentarians passes, he will be able to continue to deal, albeit among an increasingly reduced number of players. Otherwise the decline of the 5 stars will suffer another blow. A demonstration of the great maturity of the Italians.

At the beginning of their descent into the field, it could also be wrong. In the Italian political tradition, voters have never voted only in favor of a political force. More often they voted "against" to avoid, as they used to say, leaps into the dark. A "progress without adventures": this was one of the most fortunate slogans of the DC, against the overwhelming danger of communism. And it was no coincidence that, in the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall, it was the Italian left (post-communist) that benefited the most.

It was also possible to make a mistake, it was said at the beginning, because of the mistakes, rather than tragic, previously committed by both the old center-right and its counterpart on the left. A succession of wasted opportunities and an alternation of government always experienced as a "new beginning". So the first concern of the new government was to undo what the previous one had done. It may be a coincidence that, today, in such a delicate field as that of pensions, people are starting to talk about restoring the old “Maroni staircase”, conceived in 2004, but then abolished by the subsequent government of Romano Prodi.

The faults attributed to them, right or wrong, had fueled a desire for change in the majority of voters. Once again "against". Even more so, after the rhetoric of the "caste". At first a simple journalistic invention, then a ram's head to impose, mindful of what had happened in '92, a new palingenesis. As if it were an ordinary thing, capable of repeating itself after a few years. In any case, it took all the sensibility of a man of the theater, like Beppe Grillo, to transform, as on stage, a simple script into a success story.

For a while the slogan of the struggle against the "caste", of which the constitutional reform bears the stigmata, held out. For the new tenants of the palaces of power, the important thing was not to move, so as not to make mistakes. But also for this you need skills that the grillini have not been shown to possess. Then, albeit, slowly: disenchantment. Not only under the dress nothing, but a continuous denial of oneself and the symbols of one's electoral "advent". Can we forget the defeats on the Tav, those on the Tap, on Ilva? And so on. Not to mention the chaos of Rome or Turin.

And this is how the alleged anti-cast has turned into a new "caste", without having the intrinsic qualities of the old Italian ruling classes. Not only of the republican ones, but also of those lived under the Albertine Statute. Think, just to give an example, of what was once the management of the Pontina reclamation. Not only a colossal work of hydraulic engineering, but a complex political strategy, which led to the transfer of thousands of settlers from one end of the Peninsula to the other, giving them a new hope of life.

With this referendum, the Grillini would like to cancel all this and start from the beginning. From those simplified slogans, which express, moreover, a cultural universe that is what it is. Hoping that it can take hold again. But compared to a couple of years ago, the differences are profound. At that time, public opinion was above all against the old politicians, reduced to the rank of politicians.

Today the parties have reversed. Which makes everything much more difficult and galvanizes, on the wire, the proponents (us among them) of the "No".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-e-sacrosanto-dire-no-al-si-della-nuova-casta-dei-sedicenti-anti-casta/ on Tue, 15 Sep 2020 05:10:27 +0000.