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Because public-private synergies are needed on the circular economy

Because public-private synergies are needed on the circular economy

Who participated and what was said at the presentation of the book "Circular economy, engine of economic development" edited by Start Magazine

"Looking at the development of the circular economy in Italy taking into account two great opportunities: public funds of various kinds and those that private individuals are ready to invest in the territory, as long as the authorization processes are more streamlined and clear", is this the main message that emerged from the presentation of the book by Start Magazine entitled "Circular economy, engine of economic development" which was attended by experts, companies in the supply chain, institutions and stakeholders.


The themes of the book intersect with the European Green Deal and the opportunity represented by the Recovery Fund for post-Covid reconstruction. The book starts with an overview of the current context in Italy and in the European Union and brings together several themes to start a transversal and multidisciplinary discussion for the management of the environmental problem. Circular Economy is one of the chapters on which Italy can earn the credibility of the European Commission. Italy needs an integrated waste management system, environmental services and waste processing plants, aimed at producing energy and reducing waste.


The second part of the research analyzes the results of recent years, what has been done in Italy and how. Which are the best equipped regions and which are the most backward. The Italian situation regarding waste management is still very far from the most advanced European countries, due to a high level of landfilling. Too many regions still use landfills to dispose of waste and the waste-to-energy plants in Northern Italy are not enough to transform all the waste in the regions of the country, while senseless phenomena such as that of shipping wet waste around Italy instead of upgrading composting plants persist. .


In Italy, the recycled materials market is still struggling to establish itself widely. It would be useful to define actions to support the consolidation of the market for these materials, establishing a clear and realistic regulatory framework. The recycling plants for cardboard, plastic, glass and waste still seem to be too few and poorly distributed throughout Italy. Materials that can be reused are often ignored and too few people are adequately informed. In particular, the production of clean energy can be the engine of economic development.


Among the practical examples analyzed in the Start Magazine book are the used mineral oil supply chain, the biomethane supply chain (originating from Forsu and agricultural and livestock waste), the wind industry's attention to the "circular" management of plants, the plant equipment and the always very accentuated differential between the north and south of the country, and finally district heating.


The presentation was attended by Alessandro Albanese Ginammi (researcher), Raffaele Cattaneo (Councilor for the Environment of the Lombardy Region), Giovanni De Feo (teacher and creator of Greenopoli), Vannia Gava (deputy), Paolo Giacomelli (cice general manager of Utilitalia), Mauro Libé (Snam institutional relations management), Marco Patuano (A2a president), Alessia Rotta (president of the Chamber Environment Commission), Alessandra Todde (undersecretary of Mise), Simone Togni (ANEV president), Paolo Tomasi (president Conou), Mario Turco (undersecretary to the Prime Minister) and Michele Guerriero (editorial director of Start Magazine).

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/circular-economy/perche-su-economia-circolare-servono-sinergie-pubblico-privato/ on Thu, 26 Nov 2020 10:07:04 +0000.