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Because the abyss between Meloni and Schlein is growing

Because the abyss between Meloni and Schlein is growing

Giorgia Meloni's moves, Elly Schlein's hardships. The italics of Battista Falconi

One cannot blame those who observe that there is an "abyss" between the two political leaders of our country, Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein. Of course, these are impromptu considerations (since they are conditioned by the disastrous results of the last administrations for the Democratic Party), superficial (because they focus on the issue of gender, which should not have excessive relevance in political analyses) and subjective (since obviously influenced by the positions of observers ). From the latter point of view, however, a paradoxical convergence is achieved by which, against the new dem secretary, both her potential supporters, dissatisfied with the current management, and her opponents, who instead enjoy what appears to be a substantial incapacity, or at least immaturity. The leader reveals embarrassment, inconstancy, absence, laziness, abstractness: she is often associated with the expression "supercazzola", taken from the film "My Friends", to mean how much she manages to climb into vacuous periphrases, relating to topics of little popular interest . For example, "rights" such as GPA – gestation for others, or assisted maternity, or rented uterus – a practice for which the majority proceeds on the definition of "universal crime" but which, beyond that, is also much criticized by feminists and pundits.

With regard to the former, instead it would be useful for society as a whole not to take charge of the horrible continuation of the so-called feminicides with greater consistency and less emotionality. Among the latter, those of the young Giulia , seven months pregnant, and of the policewoman killed yesterday, for which too many observers have spent assessments such as the exhortation to "social disapproval" or the suggestion not to go to the proposed appointments from abusive peers. An involuntary blaming of the victims. Instead, two unpleasant things must be said: that this crime must be fought but is consubstantial with the concrete relational dynamics – such as the "dead at work", to understand each other – and that in the treatment of this crime, neither social support nor the harshness of pain, but neither can do without the other. Therefore we must also affect the repressive aspect: the proposal that comes from the centre-right to focus on the aggravating circumstance for those who commit violence against pregnant women must be inserted in this context.

In the collapse of the Democratic Party there is also the split and the ambiguities on the war, which yesterday led to yet another crisis at the time of voting on PNRR funding for the war in Ukraine. On the left there is undoubtedly a profound cultural and identity problem. After the pandemic and after the war we gave up two founding values ​​such as freedom and peace, but for progressives the renunciation weighs more, since it deprives them of two pillars on which their ideological construction has always rested. Moreover, a more articulated approach to international crises would be needed, given that the Kosovo question is being added to the Ukrainian question, underestimated due to indifference and ignorance but which risks exploding in an even more extensive and destabilizing way for the Union than it is the conflict between Kiev and Moscow.

It must also be said that the fate and ability of Giorgia Meloni take away a lot of ground underfoot from those who want to contest her. Yesterday the data on the increase in jobs arrived, which closely follows those of Istat on the growth of GDP: better, this has been going on for months, than the German and French ones . And if an expert but decidedly hostile observer like Linda Laura Sabbadini, Istat manager, is right when she tells Il Sole 24 Ore that Italy has the advantage of having more ground to recover than the other advanced European countries, and yet it is also true that, with all the uncertainties and alternating indicators, our capacity for development in this period is undoubtedly good.

The picture is undoubtedly one of uncertainty and any act of trust must be tempered with caution, as Governor Ignazio Visco says. In particular, we need to consider the positions of the European and American Central Banks: yesterday Cristine Lagarde remarked that interest rates will still be raised to contain the inflationary risk but inflation, as we well know, is a side effect of the economic progress and simultaneously pressing the brakes on the accelerator is extremely complicated.

Those who, like the political scientist Giovanni Orsina, speak of the European decline of the left are right. But at least for the Italian one, the solution is certainly not to rely on observers like Romano Prodi who, perhaps because of his age, insists on fearing an "authoritarian" right. Another temptation from which the Democratic Party would do well to stay away is to rely too much on the alliance with the magistrates which was precious to it in the past, especially in Berlusconi's time, but which today is not as practicable. Yes it's true, there are six suspects for Cutro and the specter of investigations against government activities always hovers even if, as recent cases show, it is a dead end road. But if we look at the so-called clash between the Court of Auditors and the government over the ongoing monitoring of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the decisive position of an expert like Cesare Mirabelli says a lot about the fact that the caste of judges is no longer compactly progressive as ever.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/schlein-meloni-abisso/ on Fri, 02 Jun 2023 07:45:30 +0000.