Because the broad left field on military spending is shrinking
What happens in the center-left and the center-right on military spending. Paola Sacchi's note
In the narration of a new Atlantic bipolarism, redesigned by Putin's war on Ukraine, with the two opposite but "solid Atlanticists" Enrico Letta and Giorgia Meloni, the "mine" Giuseppe Conte explodes. And the leader of the Five Stars, reconfirmed with a Bulgarian percentage albeit with fewer voters, is, until proven otherwise, the main ally of the Democratic Party, for that "wide field" that suddenly becomes very tight for the purposes of the solidity of the majority of Mario Draghi's government. Majority put in serious fibrillation by contradictions evidently never dissolved on the left in the relationship with the pentastellati ranging from the increase for military expenses, at the center of this controversy, also, however, to other key points. It is the justice reform and development policies that have seen the "grillini" on no tav, no tap, on justicialist and "pauperist" positions, opposed to those of Lega and Forza Italia, the center-right of the government.
Matteo Salvini, the leader of the League perpetually put under scrutiny for the "pro-utinian" era, says, through party sources, that "we are loyal to the government, without wanting to take Italy to war and working for peace" . The clear distinction with the thrust of the pentastellato leader, while underlining the "pacifist" attention on the part of the League, which has never questioned its vote in favor of the Ukraine decree in the Senate, takes place yesterday evening, at the end of a frantic day that saw the premier, after meeting Conte, go to the Quirinale. And to reiterate that the NATO commitment to increase military spending is not touched, otherwise the majority will fail.
Conte in the morning had said that the Five Stars did not intend to open a government crisis but then even after the meeting with the premier at Palazzo Chigi he had announced that on the Def there would be a battle against the increase in military spending. This position made the net high beyond Draghi filter through the Palazzo Chigi, who also emphasized the contradiction of Conte's policy, since during the last governments, including Conte's two executive opposites, spending on armaments was increased, honoring NATO commitments by 2 per cent.
The tug-of-war undertaken by Conte, accused by the allies of the research of relaunching a Movement in loss of consensus and in glaring difficulties, has made the leader of the League leader in the Chamber Riccardo Molinari say that the majority can also do without the “grillini”. That we can go from the attempts, urged by the left in recent months, of an "Ursula" majority (on the outline of the election of the EU president, with the League out) to a "Ukraine" majority, as he baptized it in recent days on “Il Tempo” Riccardo Mazzoni, it can also be deduced from other harsh statements that come from Forza Italia.
The national blue coordinator Antonio Tajani accuses the pentastellato leader of "irresponsibility" in the face of the tragedy of the war. That of the pentastellati the majority can "do without" the deputy of FI and Undersecretary of Defense Giorgio Mulè and the blue senator Maurizio Gasparri clearly state.
However it will go, with the vote of confidence on the Ukrainian decree in sight in the Senate, and even if the government probably will not fall, a fault has opened in the field that has become wide to very narrow on the left, thus freezing Letta's thrust on the wings of the Atlanticism on which he has aligned his party. The Pd is accused of "irresponsibility".
On the other hand, the center-right government does not show cracks, although the coalition as such does not enjoy good health, indeed, so far, from the split on the Mattarella bis, in its entirety, so even with Giorgia Meloni's FdI, it has not arrived.
Yesterday, while Meloni in a video, from his atlantist positions, attacked "the leaders of the left" of the West, from Biden to Macron and re-launched the need for leadership of the "conservatives", criticizing EU policies and asking that the ECB and the Fed help the states that "pay" the sanctions, for which FdI is in favor, Salvini met Silvio Berlusconi in Arcore. At the center is Ukraine, but also the need for the government not to raise taxes, starting with the house, the theme of the identity battle of Forza Italia and Lega, but which sees FdI on the same position. And yet the most imminent deadline now is the Administrative, a theme also at the center of the summit of Arcore Berlusconi-Salvini.
Inside Lega and FI say that Sicily is certainly central, but the eyes are also very much on a possible overtaking of FdI on the Northern League which in Milan remained above one point. Meloni is trying to capitalize on the consensus that in some polls it exceeds even the Democratic Party.
But two parties like the PD and the FdI that oscillate on the threshold, albeit a considerable 20 percent, can really redesign a new Italian Atlantic bipolarism? All the more questioned on the left by the unknown Conte who is making the Draghi government fibrillate, instead supported by the "loyalty" of the center-right government as well as by a Pd now more orphaned than the "broad field"?
This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL on Wed, 30 Mar 2022 06:37:54 +0000.