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Because the real game of emissions is played in China and India. Word of Eni

Because the real game of emissions is played in China and India. Word of Eni

What Lapo Pistelli, Eni's Director of Public Affairs, said during the hearing on the Recovery fund in the Budget Committee in the Chamber

In order to achieve the objectives of the Paris agreement, Europe is not decisive – as many also in Italy think – but it is from China and China that the appropriate measures must arrive to reduce emissions in a robust way.

This is what Lapo Pistelli, Eni's public affair director underlined, among other things, talking about the objectives of the Recovery fund during a hearing in Parliament. Here are all the details.


“If Europe, suddenly, in one night, were able to reduce all its CO2 emissions, we would have cut down 9% of the planet's emissions. 91% of the entire game is not in Europe, the real game is outside Europe, it is played in India and China, ”Lapo Pistelli , Eni's director of public affair, told the Chamber hearing. “We are making a great effort generated by the Recovery Fund which is part of the European battle that has the Paris objectives as a reference”. “If for example – he continued – India decided to change its transport system from coal to gas, it would make a big difference. China last year emitted the most, more than the sum of American and European emissions combined, but it is also the country that installed 55 of the 95 gigawatts of photovoltaics in just one year, which is more than the United States has. installed in their history. These great giants can tell which direction to go. We must do our part and we are maintaining a very high profile of ambition on the climate ”.


For the country it is essential not to focus on a silver bullet, but on a paradigm of multiple solutions that change demand and supply profiles: only through the integration of these policies will it be possible to achieve the objectives of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (Pniec ). Thus Lapo Pistelli, Eni's Public Affairs Director, during his hearing today on the Recovery Fund in the Budget Committee in the Chamber: "We need policies that cut down on emission profiles: you can count on companies that do not just take technologies from outside or install stuff produced abroad, but Italian products that can help the national production infrastructure make this leap of scale ", he said, positively evaluating the contribution of the eco-bonus introduced by the government for energy efficiency in the housing stock, which" helps a lot for each to give his contribution for the abatement of the emission profile ".


The Recovery fund is an important opportunity to plan investments aimed at modernizing the country and accompanying it towards energy and digital transition goals that were already known, for which the pandemic has only accelerated the urgency. This is how Lapo Pistelli, Eni's Public Affairs Director, during his hearing today on the Recovery Fund in the Budget Committee in the House. "To present a plan, a collective and coherent effort is needed in which state-owned companies must also take part: we must transform technologies and infrastructures, exploiting the supply chain possibilities that we are able to open", he said, underlining that "the real the challenge now is to become protagonists of innovation and technological development ”.


Pistelli then spoke about the project in Ravenna for the capture, use and storage of Co2, which represent essential elements for global and not only Italian decarbonization, to contribute to the production of decarbonised electricity and blue hydrogen, which would go to them aimed at fueling sectors whose carbon profile is very difficult to break down.


The introduction on the market of products dedicated to the decarbonisation of transport is a game in which Eni is already very active, and a pillar on which it will work within the framework of the Recovery fund, said Eni's director of Public affairs, during his hearing. today on the Recovery Fund in the Budget Committee in the Chamber: "An important issue concerns the heavy component of transport, whose electrification at the moment is extremely difficult from a technological point of view: however, we are a center of excellence for sustainable LNG transport, and we are able to reduce the environmental footprint of fuels in this transition phase, ”he added.


Italy is the second largest manufacturer in Europe, and to maintain this position, without forgetting the objective of reducing CO2 emissions in production, a strategy is needed that is able to adapt the most "energy-intensive sectors to this new reality. ", Added Pistelli:" We have sectors such as steel, paper, chemicals or refining, which are very difficult to decarbonise and which account for 25% of global emissions: this is where a transformation must be promoted through the introduction of new products ”, he explained, also underlining the need for a system of rules and incentives capable of“ accompanying us towards this system we are building ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/energia/perche-la-vera-partita-delle-emissioni-si-gioca-in-cina-e-india-parola-di-eni/ on Tue, 08 Sep 2020 14:20:33 +0000.