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Because there will be cordial competition between Conte and Letta

Because there will be cordial competition between Conte and Letta

Because the relationship between Enrico Letta's Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement run by Giuseppe Conte will not be so placid according to the political notist Francesco Damato

Irony aside, of course, those two women that Enrico Letta has just had elected to the presidency of the parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party to worry – in the cartoon by Emilio Giannelli on the front page of Corriere della Sera – are not completely wrong about the Via Crucis type. celebrated on Good Friday by Letta himself. Who, wrapped in a habit, and strictly barefoot, carries on his shoulders along the climb of Golgotha ​​the Count hanging from the void of the speech with which he made his debut on Facebook as head of the 5 Star Movement. The penitents ask themselves, especially the deputy Debora Serracchiani talking about it with the senator Simona Malpezzi, if it is not "Giuseppe", that is Conte, rather than Enrico, that is Letta, the man destined to the Resurrection.

The political risk of a Democratic Party that has less to gain from the construction site than the new secretary is pleased to have opened, or inherited from Nicola Zingaretti, with the pentastellated movement of the eternal "guarantor" Beppe Grillo, is really there. Professor Giovanni Orsina, interviewed by the newspapers of the Riffeser group, explained it well , saying that “the Pd and the new 5-star movement steal each other's votes”. Therefore it is difficult to think that an improperly defined center-left coalition could really emerge from that construction site which, by recovering all the distances accumulated in the elections of all kinds held in the last three years after the general ones of 2018, could win in the next political consultations against the coalition. center-right. Which, although divided today between leaguers and force supporters on the one hand, embarked on the government of Mario Draghi, and the brothers of Italy of Giorgia Meloni on the other, who remained in the opposition for reasons of democratic hygiene, as Meloni herself explained, is destined to reappear together with the renewal of the Parliament, as indeed is the government of most regions. Let us not forget this particular, I believe, not irrelevant of the national political scenario, which will remain so, however, the elections scheduled in important cities such as Milan and especially Rome will end next autumn. Where, however, Letta, no matter how many meetings you try to have inside and outside the home, like yesterday's with Luigi Di Maio, the interview with Giuseppe Conte a few days ago a few days ago just a stone's throw from the Senate was obviously not enough, has yet to find a candidate who avoids the confirmation of the outgoing mayor Virginia Raggi. Which, as far as grillina, that is, belonging to the "construction site" mentioned above, would be a resounding defeat for the Democratic Party. Or not?

As embarrassing as it may be for him to admit it, both for the content of the title and for the newspaper on whose front page it was published, namely La Verità by Maurizio Belpietro, with an indisputably Northern League flavor, and therefore indigestible for the man who returned to the Nazarene, the secretary of the Democratic Party knows very well that the Count back from his debut as head of the grillino movement in the process of being refounded can well be defined with happy sarcasm as "Doctor Divago". Just as the headline of the Newspaper of the South , always on the front page, according to which "Letta has left", with all his physical and verbal movements, "but the Democratic Party is stopped" is not far-fetched.

Luckily Mario Draghi, with the large parliamentary majority at his disposal and for his seriousness, even if teased daily by Marco Travaglio , who takes it out on the slobbering language of the Prime Minister's supporters, forgetting that of the nostalgic of his predecessor, is leading the government. And he can smile even at those who insolent him.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-fra-conte-e-letta-ci-sara-cordiale-concorrenza/ on Sat, 03 Apr 2021 06:51:11 +0000.