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Bonaccini and Schlein will save the Democratic Party

Bonaccini and Schlein will save the Democratic Party

Schemes and strategy of a confused Pd that will start again from Bonaccini and Schlein. That's how. Sergio Pizzolante's italics

The operation is not trivial. I tell you how it goes.

Bonaccini will win by large. It has clubs, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, mayors, it will win.

Schlein could save the Democratic Party from the clubs, from Tuscany, from Emilia Romagna, from the mayors, helping it to win again.

I explain.

The Pd is struggling to recover in the center. In the reformist area. Consider the pitfall of Calenda, Renzi, Moratti, etc., which cannot be eliminated at the moment. Unrecoverable votes, from the opposition. So he plays it all with Conte.

With the liquid left, vaguely environmentalist, genre and generic, Young, metropolitan, a little anti-capitalist, a little progressive, a little Putinist without his knowledge, a little maximalist, badly dressed not because he is poor, rich but loves the poor (Gaber), who gets excited at popular festivals (Gaber), who makes politics for our good (Gaber), the conformist left of the Gianninis, Grubers, Formiglis, Floris, etc., which the Grubers like so much , at Formigli, etc.

Show, show, insults to Renzi that always works.

If you add the Pd of real power (Bonaccini) to that of the virtual opposition (Schlein), perhaps it will be saved.

Seven lives.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/bonaccini-e-schlein-salveranno-il-pd/ on Thu, 08 Dec 2022 06:41:05 +0000.