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Christmas cashback and receipt lottery, the things to know

Christmas cashback and receipt lottery, the things to know

All information on Christmas cashback and receipt lottery

It has been talked about for a long time, since the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte , set up the Italia Cashless Plan, but then, partly because of the pandemic, partly because of the absence of coverage (distracted for more urgent measures to support of economic activity), the executive was forced to postpone the measures several times. The first lottery drawing of the receipts should have taken place in July, but was deferred by the Relaunch decree (law decree no. 34/2020) to 1 January 2021. The cashback bonus, initially called the Befana bonus , should also have started almost a year ago. But now everything seems ready, although, as far as cashback is concerned, an official starting date is still missing (perhaps 8 December). In both cases, the two tools envisaged to contrast tax evasion will now also have the task of boosting consumption in the post-pandemic period. Let's go in order. (see also: Cashless Society, who are the 5 European countries that have scrapped cash the most and how they did it )


The receipt lottery will start next January 1, 2021. All citizens of age and resident in Italy can take part in it by making a purchase of 1 euro or more and showing their lottery code. Starting from December 1st, however, on the official website of the state raffle it is possible to submit the request to obtain your unique code. Each purchase generates a number of "virtual" tickets that allow participation in the lottery: each euro spent gives the right to 1 virtual ticket, up to a maximum of 1,000 tickets for a purchase equal to or greater than 1,000 euros.


To get the lottery code, you do not need to register in the reserved area of ​​the Portal, just enter the tax code in the public area. Once generated, the lottery code can be used for all purchases and participation in all draws. Simply print it on paper or save / photograph it on a mobile device (such as smartphone, tablet, cell phone) and show it to the shopkeeper at the time of purchase.


The receipt lottery has two types of draws and multiple types of prizes. The "ordinary" draws reward only consumers:

  • seven prizes of € 5,000 each each week;
  • three prizes of € 30,000 each each month;
  • a prize of 1 million euros every year.

In the case of "zero cash" extractions, the extracted receipt rewards both the consumer and the merchant:

  • fifteen prizes of 25,000 euros each for the consumer and fifteen prizes of 5,000 euros each for the merchant, every week;
  • ten prizes of 100,000 euros each for the consumer and ten prizes of 20,000 euros each for the merchant, every month;
  • a prize of 5,000,000 euros for the consumer and a prize of 1,000,000 euros for the merchant, each year.


The Christmas cashback is different, i.e. a temporary bonus that will be added to the cashback tout court (10% out of a maximum of 3,000 euros spent) and to the super cashback for the 100,000 citizens who, using the card more, that is, who will do more transactions regardless of the amount spent, will have a reimbursement of 1,500 euros per year. The Christmas cashback will be limited to the month of December only, although the starting day of the initiative is not yet known (skipped on 1 December, it is rumored that it will start on 8). It consists in the reimbursement of 10% of the expenses incurred by credit card (only in physical stores) up to a maximum of 150 euros. The anti-rich clause that will characterize the other measures has also been included: at least ten operations are required to avoid refunds to those who spend perhaps 150 euros per swiping of the credit card. To get it, however, the question becomes more complex than the receipt lottery. In fact, it is necessary to register with the IO app , portal of the PA, to register the cards to be used and the IBAN on which the refreshment will be made. However, the app requires the SPID (digital identity) or the CIE, an electronic identity card, whose activation procedures certainly do not shine for immediacy.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/cashback-di-natale-e-lotteria-degli-scontrini-le-cose-da-sapere/ on Tue, 01 Dec 2020 05:21:11 +0000.