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Clubhouse, how much is the elite social network worth (you can enter by invitation)

Clubhouse, how much is the elite social network worth (you can enter by invitation)

Clubhouse numbers, objectives, curiosities and projects

It is not the first time that a social network has tried to make its way based on rules that are contrary to the market, that is, being as widespread as possible. A few years ago there was even a Facebook only for the beautiful and the rich, then obviously it didn't go far. Column byAron Ping D'Souza is trying again now, which, probably inspired by the English gentlemen's clubs, wants to become the virtual meeting place for businessmen and, to be sure that the audience is selected, will require membership fees of at least 100 thousand EUR. But for a few hours there has been a lot of talk about Clubhouse, fresh from a billion dollar valuation.


If you have never heard of it despite your social activism and you regret not appearing among its members, rest assured: you can enter the Clubhouse by co-option. In short, you need to have references from a user who is already inside. As in the clubs of a certain level, in short. In recent days, especially with reference to Donald Trump's troubles with the most popular social networks, there has often been talk of that galaxy of lesser-known online haunts, such as Parler , accused of being frequented by nationalists and supremacists.


We do not know if Clubhouse, currently only available on iPhone and only in beta, suffers from the same flaws in the control of the contents that are conveyed to it. On the one hand, entry by co-optation would seem to select users, but on the other hand it places an impassable boundary wall between the members of the club and the rest of the world, even for the authorities themselves. If you try to enter the Clubhouse, through a link that is mocking ( https://www.joinclubhouse.com/ ), a hand rejects us like an implacable bouncer deaf to our every request: you enter only if you are important enough to appear on the waiting list.


It is therefore not possible to peek into the Clubhouse. We only know that it focuses exclusively on audio content. A sort of podcast for a select few, an online megaphone: you choose the thematic room and join in the conversation. In the true sense of the word. Two Silicon Valley minds behind this elitist social network: Paul Davison , with experiences in Pinterest and Google and Rohan Seth .

The two managers met in Google and there they decided to abandon the web giant to give life to their innovative startup. Last May CNBC was already talking about quotations around 100 million dollars, despite having only 1,500 subscribers, so the Andreessen Horowitz of Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz has decided to drop 12 million dollars on the nail for the development of the platform and now it would be listed at 1 billion .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/clubhouse-quanto-vale-il-social-network-dellelite-si-entra-su-invito/ on Wed, 27 Jan 2021 09:20:21 +0000.