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Covid, here’s how to avoid indoor contagion. Studio Cnr

Covid, here's how to avoid indoor contagion. Studio Cnr

Here are the guidelines for avoiding indoor infections according to a Cnr-Isac study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Covid-19 is not transmitted only by direct contact, but also through the air through the droplets of nebulized saliva. So how to avoid indoor contagion? Here are the results of an international study conducted, among others, by Cnr-Isac researchers and published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.


Let's start with the guidelines. To avoid indoor contagion, therefore the propagation of the virus indoors, it is necessary to maintain the right degree of humidity and adequate air exchange. To say this is a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health by Cnr-Isac, carried out in collaboration with the German Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, the Indian CSIR-National Physical Laboratory and the 2B Technologies-Boulder ( USA ).


The virus is not only transmitted by direct contact, but also through the air. "Although the virus itself has dimensions of the order of a hundred nanometers (the diameter of a hair is 50,000-180,000 nanometers), it has been verified that an infected person, through breathing, vocalization, cough, sneezing, can emit an aerosol potentially containing Sars-Cov-2 ”, explains Francesca Costabile, researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric and Climate Sciences of the National Research Council (Cnr-Isac).


The particles of these aerosols vary considerably in size, "from less than 1,000 nanometers, the diameter of fine powders, to values ​​greater than 5,000 nanometers, the size of typical respiratory droplets," continues Costabile.

"The relationship between inhaled dose and infectivity for Sars-Cov-2 strongly depends on the size: the ability to penetrate the lower respiratory tract, systemic translocation throughout the human body and attack on particularly vulnerable target organs, first of all the brain".


According to the Cnr-Isac study, virus particles abound "in environments devoid of solar radiation" and are favored "by dry and cold conditions".


"On this basis – inside closed environments with cold, dry direct sunlight and insufficient ventilation – we recommend first of all: to maintain adequate humidification of the indoor air (in the 40-60% range), especially where you are in conditions of temperatures below 20 ° C, the use of air purifiers, adequate mechanical ventilation even in winter and the measurement of the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air, to be kept below 1000 ppm . Finally, we do not recommend the use of nebulizers in some medical procedures and types of disinfectants for cleaning such as those with hydrogen peroxide. In the absence of these precautions, the risk could remain while wearing the surgical mask ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/sanita/covid-ecco-come-evitare-il-contagio-indoor-studio-cnr-isac/ on Sat, 05 Dec 2020 06:40:49 +0000.