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Dpcm anti Covid, what is there and what is not

Dpcm anti Covid, what is there and what is not

All the details on the Dpcm illustrated by the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, with the new anti Covid measures. The criticisms of the mayors

Temporary closures, a sort of "curfew" decided by the mayors in squares and streets after 21 in the face of any risk of gatherings, distance learning only in critical situations and possible afternoon shifts for high school classes.

The one approved by the government (among the criticisms of the mayors) is essentially an anti-nightlife decree.


The new package of measures mainly involves bars and restaurants that will close at midnight, but they could be subject to measures that aim to specifically limit the places that expose to the greatest risk of crowding: in those cases, early closure at 9pm could therefore be applied – according to the provision – by the mayors themselves for entire streets. Mayors, however, who are not there and send the ball back to the Government: “It would be a curfew unloaded on our shoulders. The executive assumes its responsibilities ”.


In any case, from 6 pm it will only be possible to eat at the table, which in any case must sit a maximum of six people. And outside the premises must be reported the maximum number of customers allowed inside. It is precisely on these last points that the agreement between the government and the Regions remained standing, asking not to further penalize those sectors already affected by the lockdown (4 billion planned for refreshments, but no longer 'in rain') .


“It would be a curfew on our shoulders. We have brought the issue to the attention of the government, which is rethinking it ”. This is what the Local Authorities affirm regarding the measure contained in the draft of the new Dpcm, which reads: "The Mayors order the closure to the public, after 9 pm, of streets or squares in urban centers, where it is possible to create gathering, without prejudice to the possibility of access and outflow to legitimate businesses and private homes ".


Contact sports at an amateur level, such as five-a-side football and basketball, remain prohibited with a stop also for the relative associations and schools for children and teenagers. Amateur football remains active until the first category.

Amateur football does not close, says Repubblica : “Not yet, or at least not entirely: all the tournaments continue except the third category and the youth under national juniors. Goodbye to soccer with friends, but at least the 690,000 kids who attend football schools and youth sectors will be able to continue training, keeping an entire sector alive ”. Cosimo Sibilia, president of the National Amateur League, breathes but does not smile: "Quitting amateur football would have been like giving him a funeral, but preventing children from competing is equivalent to creating a strong imbalance between organized and disorganized social relations".


In terms of lightening local transport, the only solution envisaged is to bring the share of people in smartworking from 50 to 75%. There will not be a reduction in the filling level of the vehicles, but the adoption of greater control measures on the subway platforms to facilitate the up and down flows.


The calendar on school hours also changes: further staggering, even with possible afternoon shifts and entry not before 9, aim to limit the risk of chaos during peak hours, but there is the 'nì' of the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina on the pressing request of the Regions to strengthen distance learning – so that in recent months it would become a rule for the fourth and fifth year of high school – and to indicate it in a norm in the next Dpcm. "The school in the presence is essential for everyone – the minister reiterates – from the youngest to the last year of the second grade".

A constant use of flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities, including remote lessons, will be possible "upon communication to the Ministry of Education by the regional, local or health authorities of critical situations and of particular risk referred to specific territorial contexts ”, reads the draft Dpcm. We go back months on the events front: festivals and fairs will be suspended, but national and international events will be allowed.


"Basic sporting activity and motor activity in general carried out at gyms, swimming pools, public and private sports centers and clubs, or at other structures where activities aimed at the well-being of the individual are carried out through physical exercise, are allowed in compliance with the social distancing rules and without any gathering, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Office for Sport, after consulting the Italian Sports Medical Federation (FMSI), without prejudice to the additional operational guidelines issued by the Regions and autonomous Provinces , pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 14, of the decree-law n. 33 of 2020 ”, reads the draft of the Dpcm. The Ministry of Sport has asked to keep the current text but it is not excluded that there may be changes.

“For the gyms there was also an intense dialogue with the CTS. We have various and conflicting news, in some cases security measures are guaranteed and in others not. We will give a week to adapt security protocols and to verify compliance: if this happens, there will be no reason to suspend and close the gyms. Otherwise, I announce it, we will also be forced to suspend the sporting activity that takes place in gyms and swimming pools ". Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this.


"The activities of amusement arcades, betting rooms and bingo halls are allowed from 8.00 to 21.00 provided that the Regions and Autonomous Provinces have previously ascertained the compatibility of the performance of the aforementioned activities with the progress of the epidemiological situation in their own territories and which identify the applicable protocols or guidelines suitable for preventing or reducing the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in similar sectors; these protocols or guidelines are adopted by the Regions or by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces ”, reads the draft of the Dpcm.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/dpcm-anti-covid-che-cosa-ce-e-che-cosa-non-ce/ on Sun, 18 Oct 2020 20:35:57 +0000.