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Elections 2022, here are the parties’ programs on taxation, work, energy and pensions

Elections 2022, here are the parties' programs on taxation, work, energy and pensions

The electoral programs of the major parties compared on taxation, work, energy, pensions and foreign policy. The Start Magazine special.

What are the electoral programs of the major parties on taxation, work, energy and pensions?

It is the day of the political elections: on Sunday 25 September Italian citizens are called to the polls for the renewal of the two branches of Parliament.

Voting takes place on a single day, from 7.00 to 23.00.

The counting of the ballots will begin immediately after the closing of the polling stations while the new classrooms will meet by 13 October. Here's everything you need to know about the 2022 general election.

With the vote of 25 September the members of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic will be renewed. The recent constitutional reform established 400 deputies and 200 elected senators, excluding those for life appointed by the President of the Republic.

Starting from this electoral round, citizens who have reached the age of 18 can vote for both houses of Parliament.

In order to cast their vote, citizens must go to a specific polling station, indicated on their electoral card. The document, together with the identity card or other identification document, must be brought with you to vote. If you have lost your electoral card or there are no more free spaces, you can go to the electoral office of the municipality.

The vote can be expressed in different ways: by drawing an "X" on the name of the single-member candidate, it is also expressed for multi-member constituencies; the vote will be divided among the lists under the name of the single-member candidate. Each will be assigned a percentage, based on the overall marks obtained in that college. In the same way, by drawing an “X” in pencil on the list in the multi-member college, the vote for the single-member college is also automatically expressed, which will go to the candidate supported by the list for which it was decided to vote.

It is also possible to trace more than one “X” on the form: for example, both the list and the names that accompany it in the multi-member constituency can be indicated. Again, the single-member candidate will get a vote. The form is valid even if it decides to mark an “X” both on the name of the candidate for the single-member constituency and on the symbol of the list in the multi-member board.

The Rosatellum, on the other hand, does not allow separate voting: it is therefore not possible to vote for the candidate of a coalition in the majority part and for a party that is not part of that coalition.


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This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/elezioni-2022-ecco-i-programmi-dei-partiti-su-fisco-lavoro-energia-e-pensioni/ on Sun, 25 Sep 2022 08:05:27 +0000.