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Google-Leonardo, all about the Milanese company Trans-part

Google-Leonardo, all about the Milanese company Trans-part

Numbers, accounts and customers (including Fincantieri and Piaggio Aerospace) of Trans-part, the company under the lens of the Milan prosecutor's office

Bribes to Leonardo's men. According to an investigation by the Milan prosecutor, Gaetano Ruta, 10 unfaithful employees of Leonardo would have pocketed, between 2014 and 2019, bribes in the form of extra fees, commissions, gifts such as fuel vouchers or vouchers for telephone and appliance stores. The "donors", according to the reconstruction of investigators and investigators, are the managers of a supplier of Leonardo, the Trans-part of Milan, in exchange for the "disclosure" of the conditions for access to the tenders.

Here are facts, names and numbers of Trans-part.


Trans-part, which currently sees 4 of its executives under investigation, is part of a Transpart group specialized in the "supply of parts, materials and equipment for the most diverse sectors: military, space, avionics, transport and industry", reads the website corporate .

Trans-part srl , based in Milan, was founded in Italy in 1969 and is present in six cities between Europe and the USA.


With a share capital of 1,533,445 euros, Trans-part is 78.2% owned by Fernanda Tavecchia, sole director of the company, and for the remainder by Renzo Brandone.


The company, which ended up in the crosshairs of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office, closed 2019 with a red of 80,677 euros, worsening compared to the previous year, which closed with a profit of 66,241 euros. Total revenues amounted to 974,667, an increase compared to the 893,649 euros recorded in 2018, against an increase in production costs to 1,025,604 euros.


In addition to Leonardo, the company also boasts Fincantieri, Piaggio Aerospace, Alstom and Thales among its customers.


Four executives of the company ended up in the crosshairs of the investigation, among them, writes La Verità , "Fernanda Tavecchia, on the board of directors of Trans-Part and Emilio Tafuri, both an employee of Tran Part and a consultant of Ftb Internation Corp, appear 'last with headquarters in New York, as well as in Naples, Tornio, Milan and Germany ".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/google-leonardo-tutto-sullazienda-milanese-trans-part/ on Wed, 13 Jan 2021 12:47:59 +0000.