Guerricciola among newspapers on Mattarellian justice
As the newspapers commented on the passages in Mattarella's speech in Parliament on justice. The Scratches of Damato
Beyond and even more than the "recharge" that ignited the imagination of the poster in the happy title cover of the front page, we can define rediscovery, or absolute discovery, that which newspapers and, for some of them, their political areas of reference they made Sergio Mattarella with the passage of his quiet and strong speech as re-elected president of the Republic concerning the necessary reform of the justice system. Only the black, very black Truth of Maurizio Belpietro, often more to the right than one can, even at the cost of finding oneself paradoxically with the opposite Fatto Quotidiano by Marco Travaglio, greeted and summarized the departure of the Mattarella bis denouncing "commonplaces and hypocrisies" . Which should be attributed to the 55 applause remedied by the head of state in 38 minutes of speech, "especially against the judges", complained precisely Il Fatto Quotidiano by Marco Travaglio.
The latter personally argued in the editorial, written with the text of Mattarella's speech in hand, that the true reform of justice had practically already been made by the former Grillino Keeper of Seals Alfonso Bonafede, canceling the prescription from 2020, reintroduced instead by Marta Cartabia with the so-called inadmissibility after a certain number of years passed without a definitive sentence. But read with me, verbatim, Travaglio on the warning of the President of the Republic that "citizens must not be afraid of arbitrary or unpredictable decisions in contrast with the certainty of the law": it still happens – replied the director of the Fact – that some powerful person is disturbed by investigations and convictions without prescription and that some poor person is acquitted, but the Cartabia is working on it. And in line with this reasoning in the front page cartoon of the Fact, the President was given a "repeat offender" who allowed himself to speak about the magistrates without kneeling in front of them, but with the pose of a king who intends to put them in line.
The newspaper of the Berlusconi family, which now seems to want to sell it to the Angelucci family, had more or less reluctantly entitled "Mattarella does justice" after accusing him, when Berlusconi was still against a re-election, of having ignored the problem in the television message New Year's Eve. “Better late than never,” Il Giornale added, or premised, in red with a still controversial vein. More honestly, or less maliciously, the director of Libero Alessandro Sallusti formulated “an apology to the President for having doubted yesterday that he would have put justice reform at the center of the new mandate. He did it forcefully and we thank him ". But "the point is – added Sallusti obviously doubting both the expiring Parliament and the one to be elected next year – if our dear Fantozzi, in addition to applauding him, have also understood it".
A similar skepticism expressed in the press by the good Mattia Feltri dismissing as a "cat's roar" the apparent "roar" of the Chambers with that long and nourished applause at the passage of the presidential speech on the credibility now lost by the magistrates with their decisions often " arbitrary and unpredictable ".
A bit of skepticism, but this time precisely on the President of the Republic, repeatedly accused of the failure to dissolve the Superior Council of the Judiciary after the current market of appointments that emerged from the judicial affair of Luca Palamara, was also expressed by Il Riformista by Piero Sansonetti with that "Maybe", clearly visible in red, in the middle of the long black title on the "awakening" of the head of state, and on his "pickaxes on the judiciary": almost, but very almost like those of the good soul of Francesco Cossiga from the Quirinale .
This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 06:53:39 +0000.