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How is the European Union doing? Debate (with Craxi and Giorgetti)

How is the European Union doing? Debate (with Craxi and Giorgetti)

Who was there and what was said at the webinar conference organized by the Craxi Foundation to present the new issue of the magazine "The Challenges, there is no future without memory"

“The state of the Union”. The pandemic has certainly broken taboos and constraints, so it is an opportunity that must be taken into consideration, but at the same time not to “salvific visions” of the measures implemented, starting with the Recovery Fund. Because the problems of the European Union all remain on the table. Problems, which "as for Italy, require a Constituent Assembly on European projects and treaties", warned Stefania Craxi, senator of Forza Italia, vice-president of the Foreign Affairs Commission of Palazzo Madama, on November 26th in a webinar conference organized by Craxi Foundation to present the new issue of the magazine “Le Sfide, there is no future without memory”, directed by Mario Barbi. A number entitled, in fact, "The state of the Union". Historians, academics, economists write on the subject, starting with Jean Paul Fitoussi with whom the magazine has a long interview. Then speeches by the philosopher Corrado Ocone, the ambassador Sergio Vento, another diplomat Alessandro De Pedys, Giorgio Benigni with Alessandro Rico, Roberto Capitale, Christian Blasberg, Marco Trotta, Federico Niglia, Francesco Marino Galeazzi, Albergo Schepisi, Matteo Giurco, Matteo Gerlini , Igor Pellicciari. Finally, with an original formula, that is an analysis made by Guido Brera, present at the webinar.

Truly a rich parterre, which is even more actualized at the online conference with the presence of the number two of Matteo Salvini's League, Giancarlo Giorgetti, foreign head of the party. It is not the first time that Giorgetti has gone to the Foundation conferences, it was there that he revealed that he had Bettino Craxi in his pantheon. And a significant part of the magazine is dedicated to the socialist statesman, with a note, accompanied by two letters from the former premier, from the director general and special prosecutor of the Craxi Foundation, Nicola Carnovale, which recalls when Spain and Portugal entered the EEC. Europe from 10 to 12, that Southern Europe, of which Italy is part, which for the then Prime Minister Craxi had to have a strategic function for a Union in solidarity and with a function of stability, but which then paradoxically it became the least decisive area and struggling with a significant public debt. Craxi in his Europeanism, not surprisingly, Senator Stefania remembers, "was a Europessimist".

No to Eurolism or Euro-Orthodoxism, least of all to "Jacobin populist" visions, such as those of the 5 Stars, in a vision where even values ​​are dictated to us, to the detriment of freedom, but yes to Euroanalytical positions, warns the director of the magazine, Barbi. And in the interlocutors, prompted by Carnovale's questions and observations, the recognition that the so-called “sovereignists” have raised real problems. Like the central one, Barbi observes, of “A Europe without a state, with the nation states that have ceded sovereignty to the Commission which has turned out to be a techno-bureaucratic structure”. And this with a Parliament that cannot even decide on the law by which it is elected. But here is called into question what Italy must do to change this state of things that see it disadvantaged. Giorgetti recalls that "so far the political debate has been superficial, it is necessary to raise politics and the ruling class" and warns that neither the Recovery Fund nor the other instruments will be salvific measures, albeit recognizing or making progress. But it is instead tranchant on the Mes: "The non-conditionalities, in reality all remained, can only be entrusted to a letter of assurance from Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni?".

Therefore, we also need a more in-depth political debate in our house, an economic policy that puts the wealth of our country back into circulation, according to the number two of the Northern League. And this, also to tackle the serious debt problem that now affects everyone, because it will exceed GDP, recalls Craxi, according to whom the debt cancellation proposed by Davide Sassoli , president of the EP, "has perhaps been liquidated a little too hastily ". But Senator Craxi has no doubts about one thing, to Giorgetti who speaks of the inadequacy of the debate on the EU, adding that "there is no left or right", she replies "as a socialist with conviction in the center-right" that "instead, no, the left there is and it is precisely the one that has embraced Eurolyrism to make us forget the failure of its policy in Italy ”.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/come-sta-lunione-europea-dibattito/ on Sat, 28 Nov 2020 08:15:11 +0000.