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How relations between China and North Korea flourish

How relations between China and North Korea flourish

The role of China in supporting North Korea and the case of the ballistic missile test.

Pyongyang's fourteenth ballistic missile test took place on May 4.

In this regard, it should be emphasized that Beijing's role in supporting North Korea is certainly relevant. It is no coincidence that visits by senior Chinese officials to North Korea have been very frequent, especially in April.

Furthermore, we must not forget that beyond the contribution in the military field and in the context of training for Cyber ​​attack units, Chinese exports to North Korea increased by 57% during the first quarter of this year. year despite the pandemic.
However, there are differences between China and North Korea as evidenced by the fact that a senior Chinese official Zhou Yongkang was purged by the Chinese Communist Party for revealing confidential information about North Korea and that the half-brother of the current leader of Korea North – Kim Jong-nam too attached to China – was murdered in 2017.

All this means that, regardless of the collaboration between China and North Korea, the latter has put in place a whole series of countermeasures to prevent Korea from becoming a satellite of China. In fact, Korea intends to safeguard its political and strategic autonomy at all costs.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/come-prosperano-i-rapporti-tra-cina-e-corea-del-nord/ on Fri, 13 May 2022 06:41:16 +0000.