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I’ll tell you about Carlo Nordio’s political bomb on justice

I'll tell you about Carlo Nordio's political bomb on justice

What did Minister Nordio say about the justice reform and what were the first reactions of the newspapers. Damato's Scratches

Even if the only real war closest to our homes remains the one in Ukraine, opened last February by Putin not foreseeing the resistance of the attacked aided by the West, the chronicle of Italian internal politics continues to announce and comment on more bombs less big ones that fall on the government and sometimes majority, sometimes opposition, sometimes both parties.

Yesterday was the case of the war between Bank of Italy and the government, fortunately promptly closed by the Prime Minister herself, Giorgia Meloni, who did not warn of criticism from the former issuing institution on the "big voices" of the financial maneuver being examined by Parliament and therefore he also silenced colleagues from the party, as well as from the government, who rose up to resist or counter-attack. For this reason, the prime minister earned the definition of "equilibrist" from the newspaper on the front page today, which yesterday too was the only one to tell and explain in its report that the Bank of Italy official heard by the parliamentary commissions had appreciated overall the budget law, while criticizing some aspects.


Still today, the bombshell warned in the editorial offices of almost all the newspapers on the front page, with the exception of Maurizio Belpietro's La Verità , is that of Carlo Nordio on Justice, of which he is minister. “Nordio accuses”, cried the Corriere della Sera , as in a re-edition of the famous “J'accuse” by Emile Zola in France in 1898 for the Dreyfus case, unjustly accused of treason. "Challenge to the prosecutors", shouted the Republic betting, for the detonation of the bomb, on the great power that prosecutors have in Italy. And that Nordio precisely, having experienced its functions firsthand, finally intends to contain within decent limits, let's say so, given the indecency to which they have indulged, fortunately, not all for sure but some magistrates yes, and not always , or very rarely, paying the consequences.


In the editorial staff of Repubblica they must have – if the very appreciable director Maurizio Molinari allows me – a conception of the crisis conditions in which justice finds itself in Italy far more serious than reality if, commenting on the "challenge" just attributed to them, Carlo Bonini compared the Keeper of the Seals in office to Nero, rather than to Justinian. As a melomaniac , Il Foglio appreciated the melodious nature of the music played by Nordio at the Senate Justice Commission, where he explained his intention to finally limit and spread wiretapping in a serious way, to separate the careers of prosecutors and judges and to say the truth, nothing but the truth, as every witness in trials swears, on the constitutional principle of the mandatory nature of criminal prosecution, behind which the most absolute arbitrariness is often hidden. It's just a pity that even Il Foglio , due to that somewhat provincial habit of flaunting knowledge of a few foreign languages, as well as Italian, has made it impossible for many readers – I think – to understand the praise given to Nordio by calling him "unchained". Patience.


But Il Foglio also made a point of clarifying that with "more guarantees and less prison", that of the new Minister of Justice, with a capital letter, is a "not exactly Melonian program", as the prime minister comes from a political formation and a culture of all other sign. Which is also the conviction of my friend Piero Sansonetti made explicit with that strong headline fired, like another bombshell, on his Riformista : “The real Nordio is back! (Let's hope Meloni doesn't notice it…) ".


Marco Travaglio, on the other hand, noticed it in the Fatto Quotidiano by giving Nordio,in his editorial , the "so-called Minister of Justice" who indulged in "new cluster anathemas against the profession he did (so it seems) until the day before yesterday: the magistrate".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/carlo-nordio-giustizia-senato/ on Wed, 07 Dec 2022 06:41:16 +0000.