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I’ll tell you about the pains of Draghi and Mattarella

I'll tell you about the pains of Draghi and Mattarella

Will the continuing struggle of Letta against Salvini in the majority also bore Draghi? The Scratches of Damato

Here are the latest from the front of the government, which is becoming like a war, it is not known frankly if it is more the responsibility of the secretary of the Pd Enrico Letta or the "captain" of the Lega Matteo Salvini. And with poor Mario Draghi in the middle of the two fires to cover his head with the helmet… of his communiques, aiming at a positive representation of relations with everyone, precisely all the parties of his large majority.

It happened, in particular, that Letta went to Draghi yesterday, with his quick step and the appearance of the man who has no time to waste, to speak – words of Draghi himself communicated by the press office – about "related issues to the government's agenda after the definition of the recovery plan, with particular regard to prospects for the world of work and support for young people ”.


Oh no, that's not the case, they must have told the Nazarene, that is, the headquarters of the Democratic Party, reading the press release from Palazzo Chigi. Therefore they wanted to point out that Letta had also gone to Draghi to express "dissatisfaction with the Salvini method". That would be to "stay with one foot out and one in" the government and the majority, without deciding to keep them both in the same part: preferably out, it seems to understand from the obsession that Enrico Letta shows towards the unwelcome shareholder of the majority. On the other hand, Draghi's presence doesn't seem to me to show much annoyance. And not even, at least for a few days, the minister of the Democratic Party Dario Franceschini, who realistically also reminded his secretary that this is a very particular government, let's say exceptional, made up of "adversaries" forced for some time to collaborate due to the conditions where the country is located.


Of course, "captain" Salvini did not remain still and silent, intimidated by the protests of Enrico Letta, but avoiding barking like a dog that is afraid of losing the bone and, perhaps, so fooled as to let it be pulled out of the cage he threatens to break it . Salvini, more and more around with those hands folded like a Buddhist monk, with the permission of all the Madonnas carved into the medals that he carries in his pocket or on, claimed with the usual more or less metaphorical microphone of his press office, on duty 24 hours out of 24, the paternity of a step forward made in the competent Senate commission by the League's "proposals" to spend a little bit of all that money now available to the government to help even separated parents in difficulty. And this would be his "method": to always take his proposals one step ahead, perhaps even those that Letta does not like. Meanwhile, the Corriere della Sera has complained about the attempt to hide the much more serious problems in relations with the grillini, usually disbanded, behind the clash with Salvini.


Tell me who has the most to lose in this situation. I fear that this is precisely the question that the Prime Minister also asks himself continuously and silently, perhaps looking for the right moment to burst out against those who unwittingly exceed the level of guardianship, or endurance. Let's not talk about Sergio Mattarella, also struggling with the screwing up of the other institute that he presides: the Superior Council of the Judiciary, and its currents, or even lodges, as they would like revelations or complaints escaped the secret investigation even in the rooms of the Palace. of the Marshals.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-le-pene-di-draghi-e-mattarella/ on Wed, 05 May 2021 04:48:13 +0000.