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I’ll tell you what was said at Bilderberg about Putin

I'll tell you what was said at Bilderberg about Putin

Analysis, questions and scenarios on Putin and not only in the 2022 edition of the Bilderberg conference which was held from 2 to 5 June in Washington. The article by Stefano Feltri, editor of the newspaper Domani

Already at the end of October 2021, American intelligence had the certainty that Putin was preparing the invasion and that it was an urgent matter: in the Kremlin's vision there was a window of opportunity, with the passage of leadership in Germany between Angela Merkel and Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron's France mired in the presidential elections.

In November, the CIA is convinced that the invasion project is irreversible and President Joe Biden decides to make public some intelligence information, which is very rare, to try to report what is happening to European partners as well. In those weeks at the end of 2021, however, many underestimate the danger: both the European secret services and the Washington intelligence community.

The error is due, paradoxically, to a correct analysis: the troops that Putin amasses on the border with Ukraine at the end of 2021 – up to 190,000 men – are not enough to carry out what appears to be his plan, namely the replacement. of the Zelensky government with a Putinian puppet regime after the occupation of the country. There are too few, it must be a bluff, many think in Washington. But it was not a bluff, only the CIA had seen it right, but it was not enough to organize a reaction to the height.

On the past, the diagnosis is therefore fairly shared. Much less about the present and about the future it is dense darkness. Many of the Bilderberg attendees met Putin on business: from government leaders to company leaders to diplomats.

The only thing on which they all agree is that the president of the Russian Federation is as skilled as he is ambiguous: he works carefully at every meeting, always seems very well prepared, knows the key words to seduce the interlocutor.

Intelligence analysts, diplomats and the military observe that in recent years, and especially during Covid, Putin has increasingly reduced the small group of advisors he trusts. This cost him bad information and poor decision-making clarity.

But war is not the product of the madness of one person: Putinism is a system of power, which both Americans and Eastern Europeans consider capable of surviving Putin, even if the president were to die. argument of his health is considered marginal, therefore, and at Bilderberg it is hardly mentioned).

International sanctions reduce the pie of economic growth to be shared between oligarchs and corrupt politicians, but the scarcity will make the Putinist system even more rapacious.

(Extract from an article published in the newspaper Domani: here the full article )

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-che-cosa-si-e-detto-al-bilderberg-su-putin/ on Sun, 12 Jun 2022 05:19:30 +0000.